A Song Called Youth Series (även känd som Eclipse Trilogy):
Eclipse (1985)
Eclipse Penumbra (1988)
Eclipse Corona (1990)
In Darkness Waiting (1988)
Kamus of Kadizar: The Black Hole of Carcosa (1988)
A Splendid Chaos (1988)
Wetbones (1991)
Silicon Embrace (1996)
Demons (2000), kort roman
...And the Angel with Television Eyes (2001)
The View From Hell (2001), kort roman
Her Hunger (2001), kort roman
Spider Moon (2002)
Demons, ny version som inkluderar en till kort roman, uppföljaren Undercurrents (2002)
Black Butterflies
Darkness Divided
Really, Really, Really, Really Weird Stories
"John Shirley was cyberpunk's Patient Zero, first locus of the virus, certifiably virulent." -- William Gibson
"Barely street-legal, Shirley's Bosch-like visions mark him out as perhaps the closest thing contemporary American fantasy has to a genuine 'outsider artist.'" -- William Gibson