John Brunner, född 24 september 1934, död 26 augusti 1995, var en brittisk science fictionförfattare.
Hans roman Stand on Zanzibar vann såväl Hugopriset för bästa science fictionroman som BSFA-priset 1968, och The Jagged Orbit vann BSFA-priset 1970.
- Galactic Storm (1951) (som Gill Hunt)
- The Man from the Big Dark (1958)
- The 100th Millennium (1959) (omarbetad 1968 som Catch a Falling Star)
- The Brink (1959)
- Echo in the Skull (1959) (omarbetad 1974 som Give Warning to the World)
- Threshold of Eternity (1959)
- The World Swappers (1959)
- The Atlantic Abomination (1960)
- Imprint of Chaos (1960)
- Sanctuary in the Sky (1960)
- The Skynappers (1960)
- Slavers of Space (1960) (omarbetad 1968 som Into the Slave Nebula)
- I Speak for Earth (1961) (as Keith Woodcott)
- Meeting at Infinity (1961)
- Put Down This Earth (1962) (omarbetad 1963 som The Dreaming Earth)
- The Ladder in the Sky (1962) (as Keith Woodcott)
- No Future in It (1962) (novellsamling)
- Secret Agent of Terra (1962) (omarbetad 1969 som The Avengers of Carrig)
- The Super Barbarians (1962)
- Times Without Number (1962) (utökad 1969) (novellsamling)
- Spoil of Yesterday (1962) (långnovell, Science Fiction Adventures: pp2–40, 5:25)
- The Word Not Written (1962) (långnovell, Science Fiction Adventures: pp62–100, 5:26)
- The Fullness of Time (1962) (långnovell, Science Fiction Adventures: pp2–42, 5:27)
- The Astronauts Must Not Land (1963) (omarbetad 1973 som More Things in Heaven)
- Castaways' World (1963) (omarbetad 1974 som Polymath (novel)|Polymath)
- The Dreaming Earth (1963) (omarbetning av Put Down This Earth)
- Listen! The Stars! (1963) (omarbetad 1972 som The Stardroppers)
- The Psionic Menace (1963) (som Keith Woodcott)
- The Rites of Ohe (1963)
- The Space-Time Juggler (1963) (även publicerad som The Wanton of Argus)
- To Conquer Chaos (1964)
- The Crutch of Memory (1964)
- Endless Shadow (1964)
- The Whole Man (1964) (även publicerad som Telepathist)
- The Altar at Asconel (1965) (även publicerad som The Altar on Asconel)
- The Day of the Star Cities (1965) (omarbetad 1973 som Age of Miracles)
- Enigma from Tantalus (1965)
- The Long Result (1965)
- The Martian Sphinx (1965) (som Keith Woodcott)
- Now Then! (1965) (även publicerad som Now Then) (novellsamling)
- The Repairmen of Cyclops (1965)
- The Squares of the City (1965)
- Wear the Butcher's Medal (1965)
- Born Under Mars (1966)
- Break the Door of Hell (1966)
- The (Compleat) Traveler in Black (1966)
- The Evil that Men Do (1966)
- No Other Gods But Me (1966) (novellsamling)
- A Planet of Your Own (1966)
- Born Under Mars (1967)
- Out of My Mind (book)|Out of My Mind (1967) (novellsamling)
- The Productions of Time (1967)
- Quicksand (1967)
- Bedlam Planet (1968)
- Catch a Falling Star (1968) (omarbetning av The 100th Millennium)
- Father of Lies (1968)
- Into the Slave Nebula (1968) (omarbetning av Slavers of Space)
- Not Before Time (1968) (novellsamling)
- Stand on Zanzibar (1968)
- The Avengers of Carrig (1969) (omarbetning av Secret Agent of Terra)
- Black Is the Color (1969)
- Double, Double (1969)
- The Evil That Men Do (1969)
- The Jagged Orbit (1969)
- A Plague on Both Your Causes (1969) (även publicerad som Backlash)
- Timescoop (1969)
- Times Without Number (1969) (utökad från Times Without Number (1962)) (novellsamling)
- The Devil's Work (1970)
- The Gaudy Shadows (1970)
- The Wager Lost By Winning (1970)
- Dread Empire (1971)
- Good Men Do Nothing (1971)
- Honky in the Woodpile (1971)
- The Compleat Traveller in Black|The Traveler in Black (1971) (omarbetad och utökad 1987)
- Trip: A Sequence of Poems Through the U.S.A. (1971) (novellsamling)
- The Wrong End of Time (1971)
- The Dramaturges of Yan (1972)
- Entry to Elsewhen (1972) (novellsamling)
- From This Day Forward (1972) (novellsamling)
- The Sheep Look Up (1972)
- The Stardroppers (1972) (omarbetning av Listen! The Stars!)
- Age of Miracles (1973) (omarbetning av The Day of the Star Cities)
- More Things in Heaven (1973) (omarbetning av The Astronauts Must Not Land)
- The Stone That Never Came Down (1973)
- Time-Jump (1973) (novellsamling)
- Give Warning to the World (1974) (omarbetnig av Echo in the Skull)
- A Hastily Thrown Together Bit of Zork (1974) (novellsamling)
- Polymath (novel)|Polymath (1974) (omarbetning av Castaways' World)
- Total Eclipse (1974)
- Web of Everywhere (1974) (även publicerad som The Webs of Everywhere)
- What Friends Are For (1974)
- The Shockwave Rider (1975)
- The Book of John Brunner (1976) (novellsamling)
- Interstellar Empire (1976)
- The Things That Are Gods (1979)
- Foreign-Constellations (1980) (novellsamling)
- The Infinitive of Go (1980)
- Players at the Game of People (1980)
- Manshape (1982) (revision of Endless Shadow)
- While There's Hope (1982)
- The Crucible of Time (1983)
- The Great Steamboat Race (1983)
- A New Settlement of Old Scores (1983) (novellsamling)
- The Tides of Time (1984)
- The Compleat Traveller in Black (1986) (novellsamling)
- The Shift Key (1987)
- The Best of John Brunner (1988) (novellsamling)
- Children of the Thunder (1988)
- The Days of March (1988)
- Victims of the Nova (1989)
- A Case of Painter's Ear (1991)
- A Maze of Stars (1991)
- Muddle Earth (1993)
- Tomorrow May Be Even Worse (1997) (novellsamling)
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