Меда́ль Эдисо́на (англ.IEEE Edison Medal) — награда, которая вручается Институтом инженеров электротехники и электроники (IEEE) за выдающийся вклад в науку или технику в одной из областей интереса Института; старейшая и вторая по старшинству награда IEEE.
«For meritorious achievements in electrical science, electrical engineering and the electrical arts as exemplified by his contributions to the theory of electrical transmission and to the development of international electrical standards.»
«For distinguished contributions in extending the science and art of electrical engineering, in the administration of great engineering works, and for inspiring leadership in the profession.»
«For distinguished contributions to the art of central station engineering and for achievement in the production distribution, and utilization of electrical energy.»
«In recognition of his distinction as scientist and inventor and for his outstanding original contributions to the theory and application of electric circuits and apparatus.»
«For his contributions to the field of electrical engineering, his pioneering and development in the field of dielectric research, and his achievements in the advancement of engineering education.»
«For distinguished contributions to the art of electric communication, notably the regenerative circuit, the superheterodyne, and frequency modulation.»
«За его вклад в развитие электротехники, в частности, за счет разработки новых приложений математики к инженерным проблемам, а также за выдающуюся службу нации в руководстве программой военных исследований».
Оригинальный текст (англ.)
«For his contribution to the advancement of electrical engineering, particularly through the development of new applications of mathematics to engineering problems, and for his eminent service to the nation in guiding the war research program.»
«За его вклад в развитие электротехники в области молний и других высоковольтных явлений, а также за применение этих знаний при проектировании и защите электрических систем».
Оригинальный текст (англ.)
«For his contributions to the advancement of electrical science in the field of lightning and other high voltage phenomena and for the application of this knowledge to the design and protection of electric apparatus systems.»
«За его вклад в основы конструкции трансформаторов, изобретение клидонографа, вклад в военные компьютеры и за его отзывчивость при обучении молодых инженеров».
Оригинальный текст (англ.)
«For his contributions to the fundamentals of transformer design, his invention of the Klydonograph, his contributions to Military Computers and for his sympathetic understanding in the training of young engineers.»
«За личный вклад в науку и искусство, сделавший возможным создание трансатлантического телефонного кабеля; за мудрое руководство большой промышленной лабораторией; за выдающиеся заслуги перед правительством своей страны ».
Оригинальный текст (англ.)
«For his personal contributions to the science and art which have made possible a transatlantic telephone cable; for wise leadership of a great industrial laboratory; for outstanding services to the government of his country.»
«For his outstanding contribution to the electrification of industry through the application of electrical machines, devices and systems to automatic process machinery; and for his inspiration, leadership, and teaching of men in this work.»
«For pioneering achievements in the development of alternating current electric machinery and in electric welding; for vision and initiative in the formation of an engineering standards organization and for eminence as an educator and consulting engineer.»
«For his significant contributions to the electrical industry through creative design and development of transformer apparatus which marked new advances in protection, performance and service. For his vision, judgment and management skill which fostered and achieved the practical application of his ideas with resulting advancements in the electrical industry.»
«For invention, research and development in the broad fields of industry, engineering, transportation, medicine, education, energy and power resulting in service to all mankind.»
«For outstanding performance in improving the design of large electric power systems; for far-sighted leadership in atomic power development; and for unremitting efforts to improve the engineering profession.»
«For his contributions to the art of telecommunication and his leadership and vision in extending its application; for his achievements in the coordination of international communication and in national and international standardization; and for his advancement of the engineering profession.»
«For his inspiring leadership in education, for his contributions in the fields of electrical insulation, electrical measurements, and electrical science applied to medicine, and especially for his investigations of the effects of electricity on the human body with the successful development of countershock for the cure of fibrillation of the heart.»
«For his pioneer work and leadership in satellite communications and for his stimulus and contributions to electron optics, travelling wave tube theory and the control of noise in electron streams.»
«For his achievements in the power industry, including the development of nuclear power; for his services to his country and to international understanding, including the application of electric power to economic growth among all nations; and for his broad contributions to the profession of engineering.»
«For a career of meritorious achievement innovating, teaching and developing means for transmission of electromagnetic energy at microwave frequencies.»
«For a meritorious career distinguished by significant engineering contributions to antenna development, electromagnetic propagation, the broadcast industry, the art of radio frequency heating, and color television.»
«For his early contribution to underground transmission, for his continuing guidance in the field of electrical research and for his positive leadership in the development of the electrical utility industry.»
«For fundamental contributions to the arts of communication, computation, and control; for leadership in bringing mathematical science to bear on engineering problems; and for guidance and creative counsel in systems engineering.»
«For a meritorious career of pioneering contributions to the development and application of large-scale digital computers and important contributions to education in the digital computer field.»
«For contributions to telecommunications, rocket guidance and spacecraft control, and for inspiring leadership in unmanned exploration of the solar system.»
«For his leadership in overcoming technical and financial obstacles to nuclear power generation and for managerial guidance and foresight in the planning, building and operating the early Dresden Nuclear Power Station.»
«For basic inventions in television camera tubes and fundamental contributions to the understanding of photoconductivity, insulators, and human and electronic vision.»
«For a career of creative contributions and leadership in the instrument, control and process computer industry, in the control and economic dispatch of power in large interconnected electrical systems.»
«For a career of creative endeavor by which engineering, physics, biology, and medicine have been amalgamated into a coherent field of electromagnetic bioengineering.»
«For an outstanding career in the field of electrical engineering with contributions to major advances in the field of semiconductor materials and devices.»
«For an outstanding career in electrical engineering with significant contributions in the fields of radio propagation and astronomy, and in engineering education.»
«For original contributions to coding, modulation, data communication modems, and for industrial and research leadership in communications technology.»
«For an extraordinary career in telecommunications providing visionary technical leadership, support of his profession, and compelling public advocacy of technology.»
«For fundamental contributions to transport theory in semiconductor and organic conductors, and their application to the semiconductor, electronic copying and printing industries.»
«For seminal and pioneering contributions to the development of nitride-based semiconductor materials and optoelectronic devices, including visible wave length LEDs and lasers.»
«For pioneering and fundamental contributions to and leadership in useable, compact ultrafast laser technology, enabling applications in metrology, sensing, and biophotonics.»