Абстрактная фабрика (шаблон проектирования)
Абстрактная фабрика (англ. Abstract factory) — порождающий шаблон проектирования, предоставляет интерфейс для создания семейств взаимосвязанных или взаимозависимых объектов, не специфицируя их конкретных классов. Шаблон реализуется созданием абстрактного класса Factory, который представляет собой интерфейс для создания компонентов системы (например, для оконного интерфейса он может создавать окна и кнопки). Затем пишутся классы, реализующие этот интерфейс[2]. НазначениеПредоставляет интерфейс для создания семейств взаимосвязанных или взаимозависимых объектов, не специфицируя их конкретных классов. РеализацияПлюсы
ПримерыПример на KotlinИсходный текст на языке Kotlin import kotlin.random.Random
// next interfaces are products of abstract factories
interface Executor
interface Legislator
interface Judge
// just wrapper for government
data class Governor(
val name: String,
val executor: Executor,
val legislator: Legislator,
val judge: Judge
) {
fun work() {
println("Government $name is working!")
println("Legislator $legislator set the Law")
println("Executor $executor catch all criminals by the legislator laws")
println("Judge $judge has sentenced all criminals to punishment")
// abstract factory interface
interface GovernmentFactory {
fun createExecutor(): Executor
fun createJudge(): Judge
fun createLegislator(): Legislator
* Template Method Pattern
fun createGovernment(name: String): Governor {
return Governor(
data class Monarch(
val name: String
) : Judge, Executor, Legislator
// implementation of abstract factory
object RussianMonarchyFactory : GovernmentFactory {
private val ivanGrozny = Monarch("Иван Грозный")
override fun createExecutor(): Executor {
return ivanGrozny
override fun createJudge(): Judge {
return ivanGrozny
override fun createLegislator(): Legislator {
return ivanGrozny
data class PresidentCandidate(
val name: String,
private val myJudgeGuy: Judge
) : Executor {
fun setJudge(): Judge {
return myJudgeGuy
private val CONGRESS_MEMBER_COUNT = 535
data class Congress(
val republicans: Int,
val democrats: Int = CONGRESS_MEMBER_COUNT - republicans
) : Legislator
class AmericanElectorate(
private val presidentCandidates: List<PresidentCandidate>
) {
fun choosePresident(): PresidentCandidate {
return presidentCandidates.random()// here should be logic of choosing the president
fun chooseParliament(): Legislator {
val delta = Random.nextInt(15)
return Congress(CONGRESS_MEMBER_COUNT / 2 - delta)
// implementation of abstract factory
class PresidentRepublicFactory(
private val electorate: AmericanElectorate,
private var currentPresident: PresidentCandidate
) : GovernmentFactory {
override fun createExecutor(): Executor {
currentPresident = electorate.choosePresident()
return currentPresident
override fun createJudge(): Judge {
return currentPresident.setJudge()
override fun createLegislator(): Legislator {
return electorate.chooseParliament()
data class ElectivePerson(
val name: String
): Judge, Executor
data class Parliament(
val description: String, // left, centrist or right parties
val president: ElectivePerson,
val judge: Judge
): Legislator
class EuropeanElectorate(
val people: List<ElectivePerson>
) {
fun chooseParliament(): Parliament {
return Parliament(
listOf("left", "centrist", "right").random(),
// implementation of abstract factory
class ParliamentRepublicFactory(
private val electorate: EuropeanElectorate,
private var electedParliament: Parliament
): GovernmentFactory {
override fun createExecutor(): Executor {
return electedParliament.president
override fun createJudge(): Judge {
return electedParliament.judge
override fun createLegislator(): Legislator {
electedParliament = electorate.chooseParliament()
return electedParliament
* should be overridden because we should select parliament firstly
override fun createGovernment(name: String): Governor {
val parliament = createLegislator()
return Governor(name, createExecutor(), parliament, createJudge())
fun main() {
val biden = PresidentCandidate("Biden", ElectivePerson("Kamalla Harris"))
val americanElectorate = AmericanElectorate(listOf(
PresidentCandidate("Trump", ElectivePerson("Obama"))
val europeanElectorate = EuropeanElectorate(listOf(
ElectivePerson("Boris Johnson"),
ElectivePerson("Princess Diane"),
ElectivePerson("Jack Shirak"),
ElectivePerson("Viktor Orban"),
ElectivePerson("Floda Reltih"),
ElectivePerson("Green Sky"),
//set abstract factory of governments to countries
"Rus" to RussianMonarchyFactory,
"USA" to PresidentRepublicFactory(americanElectorate, biden),
"Deutschland" to ParliamentRepublicFactory(europeanElectorate, Parliament("Communists",
ElectivePerson("Climate Liar"),
ElectivePerson("War Criminal"),
).map { (country, govFactory) ->
govFactory.createGovernment(country) // create governments
}.forEach {
it.work() // enforce them to work
Пример на SwiftИсходный текст на языке Swift //: Playground - noun: a place where people can play
/// <summary>
/// Класс абстрактной фабрики
/// </summary>
protocol AbstractFactory {
func createProductA() -> AbstractProductA
func createProductB() -> AbstractProductB
/// <summary>
/// Класс фабрики № 1
/// </summary>
class ConcreteFactory1: AbstractFactory {
public func createProductA() -> AbstractProductA {
return ProductA1()
public func createProductB() -> AbstractProductB {
return ProductB1()
/// <summary>
/// Класс фабрики № 2
/// </summary>
class ConcreteFactory2 : AbstractFactory {
public func createProductA() -> AbstractProductA {
return ProductA2()
public func createProductB() -> AbstractProductB {
return ProductB2()
/// <summary>
/// Абстрактный класс продукта А
/// </summary>
protocol AbstractProductA {}
/// <summary>
/// Абстрактный класс продукта В
/// </summary>
protocol AbstractProductB {
func interact(a: AbstractProductA)
/// <summary>
/// Первый класс продукта типа А
/// </summary>
class ProductA1 : AbstractProductA {}
/// <summary>
/// Первый класс продукта типа В
/// </summary>
class ProductB1 : AbstractProductB {
public func interact(a: AbstractProductA) {
print("\(type(of:self)) interacts with \(type(of: a.self))")
/// <summary>
/// Второй класс продукта типа А
/// </summary>
class ProductA2 : AbstractProductA {}
/// <summary>
/// Второй класс продукта типа В
/// </summary>
class ProductB2 : AbstractProductB {
public func interact(a: AbstractProductA) {
print("\(type(of:self)) interacts with \(type(of: a.self))")
/// <summary>
/// Класс клиента, в котором происходит взаимодействие между объектами
/// </summary>
class Client {
private let _abstractProductA: AbstractProductA
private let _abstractProductB: AbstractProductB
// Конструктор
public init(factory: AbstractFactory) {
_abstractProductB = factory.createProductB();
_abstractProductA = factory.createProductA();
public func run() {
_abstractProductB.interact(a: _abstractProductA)
/// <summary>
/// Точка входа в приложение
/// </summary>
// Вызов абстрактной фабрики № 1
let factory1 = ConcreteFactory1()
let client1 = Client(factory: factory1)
// Вызов абстрактной фабрики № 2
let factory2 = ConcreteFactory2()
let client2 = Client(factory: factory2)
Пример на C#[3]Исходный код на языке C Sharp using System;
namespace DoFactory.GangOfFour.Abstract.Structural
class MainApp
public static void Main()
AbstractFactory factory1 = new ConcreteFactory1();
Client client1 = new Client(factory1);
AbstractFactory factory2 = new ConcreteFactory2();
Client client2 = new Client(factory2);
abstract class AbstractFactory
public abstract AbstractProductA CreateProductA();
public abstract AbstractProductB CreateProductB();
class ConcreteFactory1 : AbstractFactory
public override AbstractProductA CreateProductA()
return new ProductA1();
public override AbstractProductB CreateProductB()
return new ProductB1();
class ConcreteFactory2 : AbstractFactory
public override AbstractProductA CreateProductA()
return new ProductA2();
public override AbstractProductB CreateProductB()
return new ProductB2();
abstract class AbstractProductA
abstract class AbstractProductB
public abstract void Interact(AbstractProductA a);
class ProductA1 : AbstractProductA
class ProductB1 : AbstractProductB
public override void Interact(AbstractProductA a)
Console.WriteLine(this.GetType().Name +
" interacts with " + a.GetType().Name);
class ProductA2 : AbstractProductA
class ProductB2 : AbstractProductB
public override void Interact(AbstractProductA a)
Console.WriteLine(this.GetType().Name +
" interacts with " + a.GetType().Name);
class Client
private AbstractProductA _abstractProductA;
private AbstractProductB _abstractProductB;
public Client(AbstractFactory factory)
_abstractProductB = factory.CreateProductB();
_abstractProductA = factory.CreateProductA();
public void Run()
Пример на JavaИсходный текст на языке Java public class AbstractFactoryExample {
public static void main(String[] args) {
AbstractFactory factory1 = new ConcreteFactory1();
Client client1 = new Client(factory1);
AbstractFactory factory2 = new ConcreteFactory2();
Client client2 = new Client(factory2);
class Client {
private AbstractProductA productA;
private AbstractProductB productB;
Client(AbstractFactory factory) {
productA = factory.createProductA();
productB = factory.createProductB();
void execute() {
interface AbstractFactory {
AbstractProductA createProductA();
AbstractProductB createProductB();
interface AbstractProductA {
void interact(AbstractProductB b);
interface AbstractProductB {
void interact(AbstractProductA a);
class ConcreteFactory1 implements AbstractFactory {
public AbstractProductA createProductA() {
return new ProductA1();
public AbstractProductB createProductB() {
return new ProductB1();
class ConcreteFactory2 implements AbstractFactory {
public AbstractProductA createProductA() {
return new ProductA2();
public AbstractProductB createProductB() {
return new ProductB2();
class ProductA1 implements AbstractProductA {
public void interact(AbstractProductB b) {
System.out.println(this.getClass().getName() + " interacts with " + b.getClass().getName());
class ProductB1 implements AbstractProductB {
public void interact(AbstractProductA a) {
System.out.println(this.getClass().getName() + " interacts with " + a.getClass().getName());
class ProductA2 implements AbstractProductA {
public void interact(AbstractProductB b) {
System.out.println(this.getClass().getName() + " interacts with " + b.getClass().getName());
class ProductB2 implements AbstractProductB {
public void interact(AbstractProductA a) {
System.out.println(this.getClass().getName() + " interacts with " + a.getClass().getName());
Пример на PHP5Исходный текст на языке PHP5 interface IHead
public function drawHead($x, $y);
class RedHead implements IHead
public function drawHead($x, $y) {
echo 'Your red head in axis x = ' . $x . ' and axis y = ' . $y . '</ br>' . PHP_EOL;
class WhiteHead implements IHead
public function drawHead($x, $y) {
echo 'Your white head in axis x = ' . $x . ' and axis y = ' . $y . '</ br>' . PHP_EOL;
interface IBody
public function drawBody($x, $y);
class RedBody implements IBody
public function drawBody($x, $y) {
echo 'Your red body in axis x = ' . $x . ' and axis y = ' . $y . '</ br>' . PHP_EOL;
class WhiteBody implements IBody
public function drawBody($x, $y) {
echo 'Your white body in axis x = ' . $x . ' and axis y = ' . $y . '</ br>' . PHP_EOL;
* Interface ISnowman - this is abstract factory
interface ISnowman
public function drawHead($x, $y);
public function drawBody($x, $y);
* Class WhiteSnowman - concrete factory
class WhiteSnowman implements ISnowman
protected $head;
protected $body;
public function __construct() {
$this->head = new WhiteHead();
$this->body = new WhiteBody();
public function drawHead($x, $y) {
$this->head->drawHead($x, $y);
public function drawBody($x, $y) {
$this->body->drawBody($x, $y);
* Class RedSnowman - concrete factory
class RedSnowman implements ISnowman
protected $head;
protected $body;
public function __construct() {
$this->head = new RedHead();
$this->body = new RedBody();
public function drawHead($x, $y) {
$this->head->drawHead($x, $y);
public function drawBody($x, $y) {
$this->body->drawBody($x, $y);
function snowman(ISnowman $snowman) {
$typeSnowman = 'red';
// мы выбираем тип семейства в начале кода
if($typeSnowman == 'red')
$snowman = new RedSnowman();
$snowman = new WhiteSnowman();
Пример на PythonИсходный текст на языке Python from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
class Beer(metaclass=ABCMeta):
class Snack(metaclass=ABCMeta):
def interact(self, beer: Beer) -> None:
class AbstractShop(metaclass=ABCMeta):
def buy_beer(self) -> Beer:
def buy_snack(self) -> Snack:
class Tuborg(Beer):
class Staropramen(Beer):
class Peanuts(Snack):
def interact(self, beer: Beer) -> None:
print('Мы выпили по бутылке пива {} и закусили его арахисом'.format(
class Chips(Snack):
def interact(self, beer: Beer) -> None:
print('Мы выпили несколько банок пива {} и съели пачку чипсов'.format(
class ExpensiveShop(AbstractShop):
def buy_beer(self) -> Beer:
return Tuborg()
def buy_snack(self) -> Snack:
return Peanuts()
class CheapShop(AbstractShop):
def buy_beer(self) -> Beer:
return Staropramen()
def buy_snack(self) -> Snack:
return Chips()
if __name__ == '__main__':
expensive_shop = ExpensiveShop()
cheap_shop = CheapShop()
beer = expensive_shop.buy_beer()
snack = cheap_shop.buy_snack()
beer = cheap_shop.buy_beer()
snack = expensive_shop.buy_snack()
Мы выпили несколько банок пива Tuborg и съели пачку чипсов
Мы выпили по бутылке пива Staropramen и закусили его арахисом
Пример на ScalaИсходный текст на языке Scala abstract class AbstractTerrestrialAnimal {
def walk: String
abstract class AbstractWaterAnimal {
def swim: String
abstract class AbstractZoo {
def getCity: String
def getTerrestrialAnimal: AbstractTerrestrialAnimal
def getWaterAnimal: AbstractWaterAnimal
class Wolverine extends AbstractTerrestrialAnimal {
override def walk: String = "Wolverine is walking"
class HoneyBadger extends AbstractTerrestrialAnimal {
override def walk: String = "Honey badger is walking"
class Walrus extends AbstractWaterAnimal {
override def swim: String = "Walrus is swimming"
class SeaLion extends AbstractWaterAnimal {
override def swim: String = "Sea lion is swimming"
class MunichZoo extends AbstractZoo {
override def getCity: String = "Munich"
override def getTerrestrialAnimal: AbstractTerrestrialAnimal = new Wolverine
override def getWaterAnimal: AbstractWaterAnimal = new Walrus
class CapeTownZoo extends AbstractZoo {
override def getCity: String = "CapeTown"
override def getTerrestrialAnimal: AbstractTerrestrialAnimal = new HoneyBadger
override def getWaterAnimal: AbstractWaterAnimal = new SeaLion
object AbstractFactoryTest {
private def testZoo(zoo: AbstractZoo): Unit = {
println(s"Zoo of ${zoo.getCity}:")
def main(args: Array[String]) Unit = {
testZoo(new CapeTownZoo)
testZoo(new MunichZoo)
Пример на GoИсходный текст на языке Go package main
import "fmt"
type Unit interface {
What() string
type Action interface {
What() string
type Place interface {
What() string
type TransportFactory interface {
MakeUnit() Unit
MakeAction() Action
MakePlace() Place
type Car struct{}
func (self Car) What() string {
return "car"
type Ride struct{}
func (self Ride) What() string {
return "ride"
type Road struct{}
func (self Road) What() string {
return "road"
type LandTransportFactory struct{}
func (self LandTransportFactory) MakeUnit() Unit {
return &Car{}
func (self LandTransportFactory) MakeAction() Action {
return &Ride{}
func (self LandTransportFactory) MakePlace() Place {
return &Road{}
type Boat struct{}
func (self Boat) What() string {
return "boat"
type Sail struct{}
func (self Sail) What() string {
return "sail"
type Sea struct{}
func (self Sea) What() string {
return "sea"
type SeaTransportFactory struct{}
func (self SeaTransportFactory) MakeUnit() Unit {
return &Boat{}
func (self SeaTransportFactory) MakeAction() Action {
return &Sail{}
func (self SeaTransportFactory) MakePlace() Place {
return &Sea{}
func action(factory TransportFactory) {
unit := factory.MakeUnit()
unit_action := factory.MakeAction()
place := factory.MakePlace()
fmt.Printf("The %s %ss over the %s.\n",
unit.What(), unit_action.What(), place.What())
func main() {
Вывод The car rides over the road. The boat sails over the sea. Пример на RubyИсходный текст на языке Ruby module AbstractFactoryPattern
# Provide an interface for creating families of related or dependent objects without specifying their concrete classes
# Abstract Factory
class WarriorFactory
def create_knight
raise NotImplementedError
def create_archer
raise NotImplementedError
# Concrete Factory
class OrcWarriorFactory < WarriorFactory
def create_knight
def create_archer
# Concrete Factory
class ElfWarriorFactory < WarriorFactory
def create_knight
def create_archer
# Abstract Product
class Knight
def inspect
# Abstract Product
class Archer
def inspect
# Product
class OrcKnight < Knight
# Product
class ElfKnight < Knight
# Product
class OrcArcher < Archer
# Product
class ElfArcher < Archer
# Client
class Army
def initialize(factory)
@knights = []
3.times { @knights << factory.create_knight }
@archers = []
3.times { @archers << factory.create_archer }
def inspect
"Knights #{@knights.map(&:inspect)} Archers #{@archers.map(&:inspect)}"
def self.run
orcs = Army.new(OrcWarriorFactory.new)
puts "Orcs army: #{orcs.inspect}"
elves = Army.new(ElfWarriorFactory.new)
puts "Elves army: #{elves.inspect}"
# Orcs army: Knights ["OrcKnight", "OrcKnight", "OrcKnight"] Archers ["OrcArcher", "OrcArcher", "OrcArcher"]
# Elves army: Knights ["ElfKnight", "ElfKnight", "ElfKnight"] Archers ["ElfArcher", "ElfArcher", "ElfArcher"]