Sir Henry Maximilian Beerbohm
Max Beerbohm
Henry Maximilian Beerbohm 24 de agosto de 1872 Londres
20 de maio de 1956 (83 anos) Rapallo
Catedral de São Paulo
Reino Unido
- Julius Beerbohm
- Eliza Draper
Elisabeth Jungmann, Florence Kahn
Alma mater
caricaturista, poeta, romancista, ensaísta, aquarelista, pintor, crítico literário, ilustrador, jornalista, comediante, desenhista, escritor, artista
Principais trabalhos
Seven men and two others (1950)
Max Beerbohm, pseudônimo de Sir Henry Maximilian Beerbohm (Londres, 24 de agosto de 1872 – Rapallo, 20 de maio de 1956) foi um parodista e caricaturista inglês.
N. John Hall escreveu uma biografia sobre Max Beerbohm, de nome "A Kind of Life”, Yale University Press.
Trabalhos escritos
- The Works of Max Beerbohm, with a Bibliography by John Lane (1896)
- The Happy Hypocrite (1897)
- More (1899)
- Yet Again (1909)
- Zuleika Dobson; or, An Oxford Love Story (1911)
- A Christmas Garland, Woven by Max Beerbohm (1912)
- Seven Men (1919; versão aumentada Seven Men, and Two Others, 1950)
- Herbert Beerbohm Tree: Some Memories of Him and of His Art (1920, ed. por Max Beerbohm)
- And Even Now (1920)
- A Peep into the Past (1923)
- Around Theatres (1924)
- A Variety of Things (1928)
- The Dreadful Dragon of Hay Hill (1928)
- Lytton Strachey (1943) Rede Lecture
- Mainly on the Air (1946; versão aumentada de 1957)
- The Incomparable Max: A Collection of Writings of Sir Max Beerbohm" (1962)
- Max in Verse: Rhymes and Parodies (1963, ed. por J. G. Riewald)
- Letters to Reggie Turner (1964, ed. por Rupert Hart-Davis)
- More Theatres, 1898–1903 (1969, ed. por Rupert Hart-Davis)
- Selected Prose (1970, ed. por Lord David Cecil)
- Max and Will: Max Beerbohm and William Rothenstein: Their Friendship and Letters (1975, ed. por Mary M. Lago e Karl Beckson)
- Letters of Max Beerbohm: 1892–1956 (1988, ed. por Rupert Hart-Davis)
- Last Theatres (1970, ed. por Rupert Hart-Davis)
- A Peep into the Past and Other Prose Pieces (1972)
- Max Beerbohm and "The Mirror of the Past" (1982, ed. Lawrence Danson)
Colectâneas de caricaturas
- Caricatures of Twenty-five Gentlemen (1896)
- The Poets' Corner] (1904)
- A Book of Caricatures (1907)
- Cartoons: The Second Childhood of John Bull (1911)
- Fifty Caricatures (1913)
- A Survey (1921)
- Rossetti and His Circle (1922)
- Things New and Old (1923)
- Observations (1925)
- Heroes and Heroines of Bitter Sweet (1931) cinco desenhos num portfolio
- Max's Nineties: Drawings 1892–1899 (1958, ed. Rupert Hart-Davies e Allan Wade)
- Beerbohm's Literary Caricatures: From Homer to Huxley (1977, ed. J. G. Riewald)
- Max Beerbohm Caricatures (1997, ed. N. John Hall)
- Enoch Soames: A Critical Heritage (1997)