De 1963 a 1981 trabalhou no Departamento de Leningrado do Instituto de Matemática Steklov da Academia de Ciências da Rússia.
De 1981 a 1993 foi chefe do Laboratório de Teoria de Algoritmos do Instituto de Informática e Automação em Leningrado da Academia de Ciências da Rússia. De 1993 a 2009 foi professor da Universidade Paris 12 Val de Marne, França, onde é desde 2009 professor emérito.
Complexity problems in computational theory, Russian Mathematical Surveys, Volume 36, 1981, p. 23–125
Recognizing a symmetry predicate by multihead Turing machines with input. Proc. Steklov Inst. of Mathematics, AMS, Volume 129, 1976, p. 25–208
Detection of periodicities and string-matching in real time. J. of Soviet Mathematics, Volume 22, 1983, p. 1316–1386
Context-free grammars as a tool for describing polynomial-time subclasses of hard problems. Inform. Process. Lett., Volume 14, 1982, p. 52–56
com Danièle Beauquier: A first order logic for specification of timed algorithms: basic properties and a decidable class. Annals of Pure and Applied Logic, Volume 113, 2002, p. 13–52
com J. Heintz, T. Krick, P. Solerno: Finding shortest paths around semi-algebraic obstacles in the plane, J. of Math. Sci., Volume 70, 1994, p. 1944–1949
com D. Grigoriev: Computing Minimum-Link Path in a Homotopy Class amidst Semi-Algebraic Obstacles in the Plane, St. Petersburg Math. J., Volume 10, 1999, p. 315–332
On measures of information quality of knowledge processing systems. Information Sciences: An International Journal, Volume 57/58, 1991, p. 389–402
On entropic convergence of algorithms in terms of domain partitions, Arxiv 2016