International Federation of Medical Students' Associations Student Surinamese Students Abroad European Students' Union Loughborough Students International Finno-Ugric Students’ Conference Art Students League of New York Students for a Free Tibet International Pharmaceutical Students' Federation International Union of Students Student & Starter Belgian Medical Students Association Delftsch Studenten Corps International Fellowship of Evangelical Students Students for Sensible Drug Policy Brabants Studenten Gilde European Pharmaceutical Students' Association Formula Student Delftsche Studenten …

Aeroclub Erasmus Student Network De Geus onder studenten Students for a Democratic Society Koninklijke Studenten Schietvereeniging Utrechtsch Studenten Corps European Tournament for Dancing Students Dawn Bible Students Association Board of European Students of Technology European Law Students' Association Nederlandse Wereldwijde Studenten Vereniging voor Daadkrachtige Alumni, Studenten en Scholieren in Suriname Wageningse Studenten Koor en Orkest Vereniging International Student Identity Card Christen Democratische Studenten

Pretend-student International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience Nederlandse Studenten Alpen Club International Association for Political Science Students International Student Conference Broederschap der Notariële Studenten Verenigde UA Studenten Koninklijke Nederlandse Pharmaceutische Studenten Vereniging Stichting voor Vluchteling Studenten UAF BroederOverleg Christelijke Studenten Nederlandse Christen-Studenten Vereniging Groninger Studenten Muziekgezelschap Bragi International Association of Students in Agricultural and Related Sciences U.V.S.V./N.V.V.S.U. Lijst van Nederlandse belangenorganisaties voor studenten Studenten