2000, “The Rise of The Robots”, Royal Institution Christmas Lectures, entitled . These lectures were repeated in 2001 in a tour of Japan, China and Korea.
2001, Gordon Higginson Lecture at Durham University, Hamilton institute inaugural lecture.
2003, Royal Academy of Engineering/Royal Society of Edinburgh Joint lecture in Edinburgh,
2004, Woolmer Lecture at University of York, Robert Hooke Lecture (Westminster)
2005, Einstein Lecture in Potsdam, Germany
2006, Bernard Price Lecture tour in South Africa; Institution of Mechanical Engineers Prestige Lecture in London.
2007, Techfest plenary lecture in Mumbai; Kshitij keynote in Kharagpur (India); Annual Science Faculty lecture at University of Leicester, Graduate School in Physical Sciences and Engineering Annual Lecture, Cardiff University.
2008, Leslie Oliver Oration at Queen's Hospital, Techkriti keynote in Kanpur.