In november 2010 verscheen bij Nieuw Amsterdam uitgevers de vertaling van 23 Things They Don't Tell You About Capitalism (23 dingen die ze je niet vertellen over het kapitalisme).
The Political Economy of Industrial Policy. Londen 1994.
Chang & Nolan (eds.). The Transformation of the Communist Economies - Against the Mainstream. Londen 1995.
Chang & Rowthorn (eds.). The Role of the State in Economic Change. Oxford 1995.
El Papel del Estado en el Cambio Económico. Mexico City 1996.
Chang, Castro & Burlamaqui (eds.). Institutions and the Role of the State. Aldershot 2000.
Chang, Palma & Whittaker (eds.). Financial Liberalisation and the Asian Crisis. New York, NY 2001.
Chang & Stiglitz (eds.). The Rebel Within: Joseph Stiglitz and the World Bank. Londen 2001.
Kicking Away the Ladder – Development Strategy in Historical Perspective. Londen 2002.
Globalization, Economic Development and The Role of the State. Londen 2003.
Chang, Ha-Joon & Shin Jang-Sup, Restructuring Korea Inc. Londen 2003.
Chang, Ha-Joon & Green, Duncan. The Northern WTO Agenda on Investment – Do as We Say, Not as We Did. Londen 2003.
Chang (ed.). Rethinking Development Economics. Londen 2003.
Chang & Amann (eds.). Brazil and South Korea: Economic Crisis and Restructuring. Londen 2004.
Chang, Soludo & Ogbu. The Politics of Trade and Industrial Policy in Africa: Forced Consensus?. Trenton, NJ 2004.
Gae-Hyuck Ui Dut. Seoul 2004 (The Reform Trap), Bookie, (collection of essays in Korean).
Chang, Ha-Joon & Grabel, Ilene. Reclaiming Development – An Alternative Economic Policy Manual. Londen 2004.
Why Developing Countries Need Tariffs - How WTO NAMA Negotiations Could Deny Developing Countries' Right to a Future. Oxford 2005.
Chang, Ha-Joon & Jeong, Seung-Il. Kwe-Do Nan-Ma Hankook-Kyungje. (Cutting the Gordian Knot – An Analysis of the Korean Economy) Bookie, Seoul, 2005 (in Korean) (co-author: Seung-il Jeong) ISBN 978-8985989831
The East Asian Development Experience – The Miracle, the Crisis, and the Future. Londen 2006.
Bad Samaritans – Rich Nations, Poor Policies, and the Threat to the Developing World. Londen 2007.
Chang (ed.). Institutional Change and Economic Development. Tokyo 2007.
23 Things They Don't Tell You About Capitalism (Penguin Books Ltd; 2010) ISBN 978-1608191666. Nederlandse vertaling: 23 dingen die ze je niet vertellen over het kapitalisme (Nieuw Amsterdam 2010). ISBN 9789046809310.
Economics: The User's Guide (Pelican Books; 2014). Nederlandse vertaling: Economie: de gebruiksaanwijzing (Nieuw Amsterdam 2014), ISBN 9789046814185.