The study concluded that based on the results of testing by using multiple regression analysis, there are four variables that significantly affect the excess return variables, they are: BV,DER, ROE and SWBI. Besides, they are other variables such as PER, nflation, and exchange rate had no significant effect on the variable excess stock returns. Thus, it can be assumed that the JII firms during the study period was fulfilling aspects of sharia compliance. The indications are book value can represent the real value of the assets of the company itself and the highest ratio of debt to asset is 2.8…

This paper aims at empirically examining the short-run and long-run causal relationship between the Indonesian Islamic stock returns and selected macroeconomic variables namely inflation, money supply and exchange rate during the pre- and post- 2008 global financial turmoil period from 2002 until 2007 and from 2008 until 2013 by using monthly data. The methodology used in this study is time series econometric techniques i.e. the unit root test,co-integration test, error correction model (ECM) and variance decompositions(VDCs). The findings showed that there is cointegration between Islamic sto…

This research attempts to analyze the value chain of Islamic banking business processes and to develop a business processes model on depositors’ funds in order to improve the performance of Islamic banks. Four models of Islamic banking operating in Indonesia are used as the objects of the study. This research applies qualitative study (exploratory) approach and utilizes primary data obtained from questionnaire and interviews. This data are then processed by value stream mapping and process activity mapping. This study shows that the waiting time for services is the sub-stage of business…

Penelitian ini  bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh kepemilikan NPWP dan Pelaporan SSP terhadap Penerimaan Pajak Penghasilan Wajib Pajak pada KPP Pratama Mempawah, dengan menggunakan 48 sampel penelitian Wajib Pajak pada KPP Pratama Mempawah. Sampel penelitian diambil dari secara purposive sampling selama periode tahun 2009-2012. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis regresi berganda dengan uji F dan uji t. Sebelum menggunakan analisis regresi  berganda, dilakukan uji asumsi klasik terlebih dahulu yang meliputi uji normalitas , uji multikolinearitas, uji autokolera…

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh temuan eksplanatif yang teruji tentang pengaruh dari modal sendiri, hutang, volume usaha, dan jumlah aset terhadap SHU karena kesejahteraan anggota koperasi dicerminkan oleh perolehan sisa hasil usaha yang didapat. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh koperasi yang terdaftar di Dinas Koperasi dan UKM Pontianak pada tahun 2014 dengan sampel koperasi yang masih aktif. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah Asosiatif Kausal. Hasil penelitian bahwa modal sendiri dan hutang berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap SHU yang diperoleh, sedangkan vo…

Hospital St. Anthony is located at Jalan Kh. Wahid Kasyim 249 is a private hospital that offers health care services to the community. The concept of service is one of the goals achieved by the management of the hospital of St. Antonius. The purpose of the service will be achieved if all the components of managers as Director, Nurse, Midwife, Administration and Finance staff can always work together to provide better care to patients and families of patients. Therefore, the hospital is always trying to improve, both in SOP patient care and in terms of improvement of service facilities. The met…

Education is very important for human life. Many educational institutions provide additional features to meet their user need and want. To survive, each school has to formulate and implement well designed competitive strategies. Further, school must produce and develop a unique strategy including product differentiation, service differentiation, image differentiation and trust. This strategy provides company`s competitive advantage which ultimately affects consumer`s buying decision. The objective of this study is to analyze differentiation strategies (product, service and brand image) and tru…

Working capital is one aspect of company spending. If the company can not maintain a satisfactory level of working capital, then it is likely the company is unable to pay obligations that have matured. Analysis of the sources and uses of working capital is important for financial managers to determine how fund used and how to pay those needs. Especially for football club Arsenal, Chelsea and Manchester United would require the evaluation of sources and uses of working capital in order to achieve efficiency in the company. Purpose of this study to determine how the efficiency of resource manage…

Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis pengaruh lingkungan kerja fisik yang terdiri dari penerangan, warna, udara dan suara ; serta lingkungan kerja non fisik yang terdiri dari kepemimpinan dan hubungan kerja karyawan terhadap disiplin kerja Guru Tetap di SMP Negeri 3 Pontianak. Dalam penelitian ini populasinya adalah para Guru Tetap di SMP Negeri 3 Pontianak. Teknik pengumpulan data pada penelitian ini adalah dengan penyebaran kuesioner. Kuesioner yang berhasil dikumpulkan berasal dari 38 responden yang kesemuanya adalah Guru Tetap di SMP Negeri 3 Pontianak.Teknik sampel yang digunakan dal…

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah Investment Opportunity Set (IOS) yang di proksikan dengan market to book value of asset (MBVA), market to book value of equity (MBVE), dan earning per share/price (EPS/Price) berpengaruh terhadap return saham pada perusahaan makanan dan minuman yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah perusahaan makanan dan minuman yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia sebanyak 11 perusahaan periode 2009 – 2012, jumlah data yang digunakan adalah 44 data observasi, dengan teknik purposive sampling. Penelitian ini mengguna…

This Thesis titled "The Effect of Work Ability and Discipline Against Employee Performance in West Kalimantan Provincial Health Department". The study variables were used in this study: 1) Ability (Knowledge, Skill, Qualification). 2) Discipline Work (Attendance, Reply Services, Justice) and 3) Performance (Loyalty, Responsibility). This research was conducted at the Employee Health Department of West Kalimantan Province. The respondents in this study are defined as 67 (sixty seven). The purpose of this study was to determine the extent of the influence of ability and discipline in West Kalima…

Competition in the corporate world are increasingly stringent, in which case the company should have the initiative to be able to retain and win customers. Innovation is a very important factor and in addition to the integration of elements - elements of marketing mix or marketing mix of product innovation the company plays a role in determining the elements - elements such as the Marketing Mix: Product, price, promotion, and place, is a factor - a factor that can influence and encourage a consumer to purchase goods on offer. The purpose of this study was to determine the marketing mix policie…

Research is to analyze are variable brand image and variable trust in a brand having influence against brand loyalty to Nike sports shoes products. This research designed as research associative / causal. The population of this research is respondents consumers Nike sports shoes in  Pontianak City. The technique of the withdrawal of samples used is a technique purposive of sampling by the number of samples as many as 100 people of respondents in the City of Pontianak. Technique analysis used is linear regression analysis of multiple with using program spss version 20.0. The results of data …

Survey of literature on women movement which takes place in different places in the world shows us that the movement means different things to different group of people. While the survey tells us that political setting highly influencial in shaping the movement, the very political nature of the movement is not necessarily lays in women relationship to the state. The jargon is that "personal is political." Some movement aims at practical change and other concerns with strategic change. In an attempt to map out the reason, as to why woman movement take place, this article identifies two possible…

The display of violence is needed by the rulers who need to ensure that its power relationship is unchallenged. By using the same logic the ruled also having potential of expressing violence. Such an expressioni is called amoek.

The resurgence of political Islam has widened the space for expressing Islamic identity. Along with such a resurgence struggle for revitalize Javanese-ism which in turn provide a sound basis for regaining Javanese identity. The relationship between Javanese-ism and Islamism is best understood in term of the sought of collective identity, instead of syncretism.

Behind the legal-administrative procedures formally set out for creating a new province, a web of interaction among various parties in fact play a critical role in facilitating various segments of civil society to take part. It is through such a web of interaction that the formal procedures were pushed forward, to arrive at a succees in gaining official detachment of Banten from the province of West Java, The synergetic interlink between civil society and political society underlined the importance of treating them as medium for enganing in a political movement for achieving a particular goal.

The market is not only a habitus for peaceful exercise, but also conflict. In its massiveness, market controversially exists. The little people who are marginalized and lack of necessaries suffer from poverty and inequality, and thus continually resist the market. They set purchasing and selling tactics, bear gossips and cynicisms, steal commodities, and plunder and utterly destroy the marketplaces. Though these stratagems do not eliminate the market, they clearly deligitimatize its justification.

As a main medium for political struggle, cartoon contains a well-designed apparatus for conveying set of messages. The usesage of semiotics and critical discourse analysis allows us to uncover its political design. This article demonstrates the usage of those analytical tool to scrutinize an episode of Panji Koming cartoon serial from the daily Kompas.

Food policy is not independently designed, as it is structurally hound. States autonomy is even more questionable as globalized-politicaleconomic structure gaining stronger grip in Indonesia, especially after monetary crisis at the end of New Order period.