ABSTRACT  The  experiment pot  of the effect  compost in the critical  land on the  production  onions, peanuts, and soybeans, the goal is to get organic  agricultural  production and determine the optimal dose of compost for plant onions, peanuts and soybeans. Before the experiment of compost treatment  was  conducted  the compost and  soil  as media plant to analyse  the chemical  properties. After  the experiment of compost treatment  was conducted  the soil as media plant to analyse the chemical properties. The experiment design of methode  was used complate  randamized design (CRD) with the five treatment compost and four replication.  Dosage of compost consists of  0 tonnes/ha  (0 g/pot)  as a control,  30 tonnes /ha  (75 g /pot);  60 tonnes/ha (150 g/pot);  90 tonnes/ha (225 g/pot),  and 120 tonnes/ha (300  g/pot). The parameter were observed wet weight of  plants, quantity and weight  beet the production plant of onions; wet weight  of plants, quantity and weight of  pod pea and  seed  the  production  plant  of  peanuts and  soyabeans. The data of analysis  was  used  the  analysis  of variance (Anova)  and  the least significant  difference (LSD). The results showed  that  treatment  of compost very significant  effect  on  the growth  and  production of plant onions, peanuts and soybeans. Treatment  compost  90 tonnes/ha (225 g/pot)  provide  growth and  yield  of  plant  onion, peanuts, and soybeans maximum. Keywords: compost, onion, peanut, soybean, critical land