
スザンナ・マーティン (旧姓North) (Susannah Martin、1621年9月30日洗礼 - 1692年7月19日)はセイラム魔女裁判犠牲者の一人。









下記は裁判の様子の抜粋。: (原文ママ)

"To the Marshall of the County of Essex or his lawful Deputies or to the Constable of Amesbury:

You are in their Majesties names hereby required forthwith or as soon as may be to apprehend and bring Susanna Mertin of Amesbury in þ county of Esses Widdow at þ house of Lt. Nathaniel Ingersolls in Salem village in order to her examination Relating to high suspicion of sundry acts of Witchcraft donne or committed by her upon þ bodies of Mary Walcot, Abigail Williams, Ann Putnam, and Mercy Lewis of Salem village or farms whereby great hurt and damage hath been donne to þ bodies of said persons.... etc"

At the preliminary trial for the crime of "Witchcraft and sorcery" Susanna pled not guilty. The original court record book has been lost, but the local Puritan minister, Cotton Mather, recorded the testimony. Susanna and the others accused were not allowed to have counsel.

"As soon as she came in, Marcy had fits"
Magistrate: Do you know this woman?
Abigail Williams saith it is goody Martin, she hath hurt me often.
Others by fits were hindered from speaking.
Marcy Lewis pointed at her and fell into a little fit.
Ann Putnam threw her glove in a fit at her.

................ Susanna laughed ................

Magistrate: What! Do you laugh at it?
Martin: Well I may at such folly.
Mag: Is this folly? The hurt of persons?
Martin: I never hurt man or woman or child.
Marcy: She hath hurt me a great many times and pulls me down.

Then Martin laughed again.

おそらくスザンナ最悪の屈辱は身体検査であった。"witch's tit or physical proturberance which might give milk to a familiar. " ということはなかったが、 "in the morning her nipples were found to be full as if the milk would come,"と記され、午後遅くには"her breasts were slack, as if milk had already been given to someone or something."と記された。このことが有罪の明確な証拠となった。[3]

ローンツリーヒル西部に、ジョージとスザンナの家の跡がある。家の跡を示す岩が、高速道路建設の為、動かされ、地図上に確認できる。近くに石碑がある。ジョージはAmesburyで最大の土地所有者の一つであった。碑文にはこう刻まれる。: "Here stood the house of Susannah Martin. An honest, hardworking Christian woman accused of being a witch and executed at Salem, July 19, 1692. She will be missed! A Martyr of Superstition. T.I.A. 1894"

詩人ジョン・グリーンリーフ・Whittierはマーティンに関する"The Witch's Daughter"という作品を書いた。

"Let Goody Martin rest in peace, I never knew her harm a fly,
And witch or not - God knows - not I?
I know who swore her life away;
And as God lives, I'd not condemn
An Indian dog on word of them."



  1. ^ Susannah Martin: Accused Witch from Salisbury”. History of Massachusetts. January 16, 2014閲覧。
  2. ^ Records and Files of the Quarterly Courts of Essex County
  3. ^ Essex County Archives, Salem - Witchcraft, Vol. 1, pg 35
  4. ^ Massachusetts Clears 5 From Salem Witch Trials”. New York Times. 31 March 2013閲覧。


  • The American Genealogist, volume 68 [1993], pp. 65–70: "The English Origins of Richard North And His Daughter, Susannah (North) Martin, Executed For Witchcraft In 1692" by David L. Green.
  • Upham, Charles (1980). Salem Witchcraft: New York: Frederick Ungar Publishing Co., 2 vv., v.1 p. 427, v.2 pp. 145, 268.