カルメル山の聖母のスカプラリオ(茶色のスカプラリオとしても知られる)は、カルメル修道会と跣足カルメル修道会の修道服である。「カルメル山の聖母」は聖母マリアの、先述の2つの修道会の保護者としての役目の名称である[1]。このスカプラリオの小型版は、宗教的なアイテムとして、そして他の信仰者用スカプラリオのプロトタイプとして、カトリック教会の中で広く一般的に普及している。カルメル山の聖母マリアの祝日は 7月16日で、一般的にこの日に茶色のスカプラリオを授与される。
バチカン教皇庁(聖座)(Sancta Sedes)の典礼秘跡省(Congregatio de Cultu Divino et Disciplina Sacramentorum)では、茶色のスカプラリオは、「御子と、母でありカルメル山の女王である聖母マリア、の親子関係を形度ったもので、それを身に付ける者は自分自身の全てを彼女の保護に任せる忠実な支持者であり、聖母の仲裁に頼り、精神的な生命の優越性と祈りの要を心にとめて忘れない。」と発言した[2]。
ある時期、スカプラリオは、天国へ簡単に行ける道として説かれたことがあったが、これは信仰への批判となった[15]。茶色のスカプラリオに熱心な人々は、時々迷信に迷い込んでいると非難される。カトリック教会のカテキズムは、茶色のスカプラリオのような秘跡的なものは決して聖霊の様な方法で秘跡が与える恵みを与えることはない。しかし、教会で祈る人たちによって、それらが我々に神の恩寵を受け取る準備をし、連携しやすいようにする。という[16]聖母の執り成しによって、辛抱強くなるか、臨終の秘跡の時に、スカプラリオの約束の保障をするものかのどちらかだと、伝統的なスカプラリオの約束を信じる人々は主張する。クロード・ド・ラ・コロンビエール(Claude de la Colombière)は、頑固な後悔しない罪人は、奇跡か、そうでないにしてもにスカプラリオを脱がされるであろうとのことである。と説いた[17]。
^from"Pope St. Pius XII declared in 1951 during the 700th anniversary celebrations of the vision of Our Lady to St. Simon Stock" (from his Apostolic letter Neminem profecto latet) source: Hugh Clarke, O.Carm Mary and the Brown Scapular; Carmelite Province of Our Lady of the Assumption; Anglo Irish Province of the Discalced Carmelites, 1994. (booklet)
^Fr. Paul D'Souza, OCD. The Carmelite Scapular: History and Devotion - This article mentions the 17th century forgery, probably by a Carmelite named Fr. John Cheron, of what was purported to be a fragment of a letter by Saint Simon Stock's secretary Peter Swanington (or Swanyngton). This "Swanington" letter was the origin of the July 16, 1251 date for Saint Simon Stock's vision, this date having been chosen presumably because July 16th was (and still is) the Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel. It is also the source of some other oft-repeated details, such as the location of the vision at Cambridge, England. There is further information and analysis on the "Swanington" forgery in a July–December, 1904 Irish Ecclesiastical Record article by Herbert Thurston, S.J., "The Origin of the Scapular -- A Criticism.", and the letter itself is extensively quoted at this link
^Hugh Clark, O.Carm writes: "Too much stress has been placed on the promises of eternal salvation on an individual basis. At times the scapular has been preached as an easy way to heaven, guaranteed by Mary's promise and intervention which softened the severity of God's judgment. Any attempt to revive the true dimension of the scapular devotion must take account of the reality that, by accepting the scapular, the wearer is associated with the Order of Carmel and pledges himself/herself to strive to live its ideals." source: Hugh Clarke, O.Carm Mary and the Brown Scapular; Carmelite Province of Our Lady of the Assumption; Anglo Irish Province of the Discalced Carmelites, 1994. (booklet)
^Australian Catholic Truth Society; 2005. PDF edition of a booklet of traditional stories about the Brown Scapular.2014
^Pope Pius XII's 1951 Apostolic letter Neminem profecto latet source: Hugh Clarke, O.Carm Mary and the Brown Scapular; Carmelite Province of Our Lady of the Assumption; Anglo Irish Province of the Discalced Carmelites, 1994. (booklet)
^教皇聖ピウス12世は、聖サイモン・ストックの聖母のビジョンの700周年記念式典に「そのスカプラリオは本質的には修道服であり、これを受けたものは、その程度に差はあっても、カルメル会の一員である。」と述べている。(from his Apostolic letter Neminem profecto latet) source: Hugh Clarke, O.Carm Mary and the Brown Scapular; Carmelite Province of Our Lady of the Assumption; Anglo Irish Province of the Discalced Carmelites, 1994. (booklet)
^In his 2001 "Message to the Carmelite Family" on the occasion of the 750th anniversary of the apparition of Our Lady to St. Simon Stock, Pope John Paul II wrote: "This intense Marian life, which is expressed in trusting prayer, enthusiastic praise and diligent imitation, enables us to understand how the most genuine form of devotion to the Blessed Virgin, expressed by the humble sign of the Scapular, is consecration to her Immaculate Heart." He also stated in the same letter: "I too have worn the Scapular of Carmel over my heart for a long time!" Message of John Paul II to the Carmelite Family March 25, 2001
Brown Scapular "A Silent Devotion" 2008 article via Zenit news service by Fr. Kieran Kavenaugh, OCD discusses devotion to the Brown Scapular, the existence of historical problems, and pastoral practice
Doctrinal Statement of the Brown Scapular of Our Lady of Mount Carmel "Rite of Blessing of and Enrollment in the Scapular of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Mount Carmel" as issued and confirmed by the Congregation for Divine Worship and for the Discipline of the Sacraments, November 29, 1996
Lucia of Fatima's statements about the Brown Scapular - In the private revelations at Fatima, Portugal the Blessed Virgin Mary referred to herself as "Lady of Mount Carmel" and exhorted wearing the Brown Scapular
Stories of Mount Carmel History and spirituality of the Brown Scapular devotion by Teresa Polk, including discussion of the historical problems with some of the claims