この式はw:en:Steffensen's methodを用いて開発されている[3]。コールブルックの式に対し誤差0.0023%の精度があることが知られている。データ精度の確認は、10個の相対粗度(0.00004から0.05)及び7個のレイノルズ数(2500 to 108)の計70点を用いて行われている。
^Goudar, C.T., Sonnad, J.R. (August 2008). "Comparison of the iterative approximations of the Colebrook–White equation". Hydrocarbon ProcessingFluid Flow and Rotating Equipment Special Report(August 2008): 79–83.
Brkić, Dejan (2011). “An Explicit Approximation of Colebrook’s equation for fluid flow friction factor”. Petroleum Science and Technology29 (15): 1596–1602. doi:10.1080/10916461003620453.
Colebrook, C.F. (February 1939). “Turbulent flow in pipes, with particular reference to the transition region between smooth and rough pipe laws”. Journal of the Institution of Civil Engineers (London). doi:10.1680/ijoti.1939.13150. For the section which includes the free-surface form of the equation — Computer Applications in Hydraulic Engineering (5th ed.), Haestad Press, 2002年, p. 16.
Haaland, SE (1983). “Simple and Explicit Formulas for the Friction Factor in Turbulent Flow”. Journal of Fluids Engineering (ASME) 103 (5): 89–90. doi:10.1115/1.3240948.
Swamee, P.K.; Jain, A.K. (1976). “Explicit equations for pipe-flow problems”. Journal of the Hydraulics Division (ASCE) 102 (5): 657–664.
Serghides, T.K (1984). “Estimate friction factor accurately”. Chemical Engineering91 (5): 63–64. — Serghides' solution is also mentioned here.
Moody, L.F. (1944). “Friction Factors for Pipe Flow”. Transactions of the ASME66 (8): 671–684.
Brkić, Dejan (2011). “Review of explicit approximations to the Colebrook relation for flow friction”. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering77 (1): 34–48. doi:10.1016/j.petrol.2011.02.006.
Brkić, Dejan (2011). “W solutions of the CW equation for flow friction”. Applied Mathematics Letters24 (8): 1379–1383. doi:10.1016/j.aml.2011.03.014.