w:Michaelis' classification of demons
- 第一階級
- ベルゼブブ: arrogance; adversary, St. Francis
- リバイアサン: attacks Christian religious beliefs; adversary, St. Peter
- アスモデウス: lust; adversary: St. John
- ベリト: murdering and blasphemy; adversary, St. Barnabas
- アスタロト: laziness and vanity; adversary, St. Bartholomew
- ヴェルリネ: impatience; adversary, St. Dominic
- グレジル: impurity, uncleanness and nastiness; adversary, St. Bernard
- ソネイロン: hate; adversary, St. Stephen.
- 第二階級
- w:Karo: unpitying; adversary, St. Vincent
- Camal: lust; adversary, St. John the Evangelist
- Oeillet: richness; adversary, St. Martin
- Rosier: sensuality; adversary, St. Basil
- Soufflet: disobedience; adversary, St. Bernard
- 第三階級
- ベリアル: arrogance; adversary, St. Francis of Paula
- Olivier: fierceness, greediness and envy; adversary, St. Lawrence
- Jouvart: sexuality; adversary, not cited.