1992年より米国の社会学研究協会 (Sociological Research Association) 会員となる。2003年に1981年から1999年の間に社会科学一般の部で被引用文献多数の250人中1人と米国の科学情報研究所が認定する。2008年秋学期にシカゴ大学社会学科長に就きシカゴ学派の一員となる。American Sociological Review、American Journal of Sociologyなどの学会誌などに論文を投稿している。
Yamaguchi, Kazuo. 1980. "A Mathematical Model of Friendship Choice Distribution." Journal of Mathematical Sociology, 261-287.
Yamaguchi, Kazuo. 1990. "Homophily and Social Distance in the Choice of Multiple Friends: An Analysis Based on Conditionally Symmetric Log-Bilinear Association Models" Journal of the American Statistical Association 85:356-366.
Yamaguchi, Kazuo. 1992. "Accelerated Failure-Time Regression Models with a Regression Model of Surviving Fraction: An Application to the Analysis of 'Permanent Employment' in Japan." Journal of the American Statistical Association 87: 284-292.
Yamaguchi, Kazuo and Linda Ferguson. 1995. "The Stopping and Spacing of Childbirths and Their Birth-History Predictors: Rational-Choice Theory and Event-History Analysis." American Sociological Review 60: 272-98.
Yamaguchi, Kazuo. 1996. "Power in the Network of Substitutable/Complementary Exchange Relations: A Rational-Choice Model and an Analysis of Power Centralization." American Sociological Review 61: 308-32.
Yamaguchi, Kazuo. 1998. "Rational-Choice Theories of Anticipatory Socialization and Anticipatory Nonsocialization." Rationality and Society 10: 163-99. This paper is included in Central Currents in Social Theory: Contemporary Sociological Theory 1920-2000, edited by Raymond Boudon and Mohamed Cherkaoiu. London:Sage.
Yamaguchi, Kazuo. 2000. "Multinomial Logit Latent-Class Regression Models: An Analysis of the Predictors of Gender-Role Attitudes among Japanese Women." American Journal of Sociology 105: 1702-40.
Yamaguchi, Kazuo and Yantao Wang. 2002. "Class Identification of Married Employed Women and Men in America." American Journal of Sociology. 102 440-475.
Yamaguchi, Kazuo. 2006. "Rationality of Tolerance: An Insight into The Parent-Child Relationship." Rationality and Society 18: 275-303.
Yamaguchi, Kazuo. 2011. "A Macrocounterfactual Analysis of Group Differences: An Application to the Gender Wage Gap in Japan." Sociological Methodology 41:223-55.
Yamaguchi, Kazuo. 2011, “Location of an undesirable facility on a network: a bargaining approach,” Mathematical Social Sciences, 62(2), 104-108.