
ja この利用者は日本語母語としています。
This user is able to contribute with a basic level of English.

こんにちは。Wiki English には2013年から参考文献の加筆、言葉の誤りや誤字の訂正などをしてきましたが、まだウィキの利用に関しては初心者です。最近間違いの多い小さなWiki English の記事の訂正編集をひとつ手がけ、和訳記事をふたつ書いたのですが、正しい手続きを知らず、先輩の方への相談の仕方も知らず、無謀にも投稿してしまったので、皆様に大変ご迷惑をおかけしてしまい、申し訳ありませんでした。ただ、けっして故意に著作権違反をしたのではなく、手続きを知らなかったということをご理解ください。プールの深みに飛び込んで水泳を習おうとするようなことをしてまわりの方々にご迷惑をおかけしたと反省しております。今後努力しますので、どうぞご指導のほどよろしくお願いいたします。微力ながら日本と米国のウィキに少しだけでも貢献できればと存じます。天文のグループに登録したのですが、やり方はよろしかったでしょうか。




Here is my attempt at translating above, unaided by a native speaker.

Hello. I have been editing minor errors on Wiki English, but I am still a beginner in Wiki. I corrected one small article in wiki English which contained number of mistakes and enlarged it a little, and also translated two small articles in English into Japanese. However, due to my lack of knowledge in Wiki protocols and not knowing how to consult with experienced users, I have caused quite a bit of trouble to several people. I am sorry about this. I hope you understand that I never intentionally plagiarized or violated copyrights. I just did not know the proper protocols. I would appreciate your understanding regarding this point. I realized that what I have done is equivalent to jumping into the deep end of pool and learning how to swim, troubling people around who were present. I am very sorry about that. I would make efforts to learn as much as possible, so any advice would be appreciated. If I can contribute even a little bit for Wiki Japan and Wiki English, it would be my pleasure.

I have many acquaintances who are astronomers. As a result, I came to be interested in Astronomy. I am following the activities of a Japanese amateur astronomer's work, which you can see in the Japanese Wiki. He has exceeded famous Zwicky's work recently. The current site regarding him does not have the latest information regarding discoveries, but he stands the third among individuals and the fourth among all amateur supernovae hunters, if you count the group with the worlds first record: POSS. We were also delighted to know that the first observation of gravity wave was discovered by LIGO group. They will get the Nobel prize sooner or later. We were also stunned to see the image of one supernova displaying two images by a distant galaxy in the line of sight serving as a gravitational lens. The supernova field and related field is making a very rapid progress recently, and I am so interested in them.

I got my degree in science in the US quite a while ago and have stayed on. Although I have been using English from morning till evening, I still find that I make mistakes in writing in English to my dismay. It makes me discouraged sometimes, but it appears that the writing skill in any language is directly related to the total amount of books you read in that language in your life, not the total amount of conversation.