The Principles of Philosophy and the Method of Realism (ペルシア語: اصول فلسفه و روش رئالیسم Usul-i falsafeh va ravesh-i ri'alism) in five volumes, with the commentary of Murtada Mutahhari.[1]
Glosses al-kifayah (ペルシア語: Hashiyahi kifayah). Glosses upon the new edition of the Asfar of Sadr al-Din Shirazi Mulla Sadra appearing under the direction of 'Allameh Tabataba'i of which seven volumes have appeared.
Dialogues with Professor Corbin (ペルシア語: Mushabat ba Ustad Kurban) Two volumes based on conversations carried out between 'Allameh Tabataba'i and Henry Corbin of which the first volume was printed as the yearbook of Maktab-i tashayyu’, 1339 (A.H. Solar)
Risalah dar hukumat-i islami, (Treatise on Islamic Government).
Hashiyah-i kifayah (Glosses upon al-Kifayah).
Risalah dar quwwah wafi'(Treatise on Potentiality and Actuality).
Risalah dar ithbat-i dha~t (Treatise on the Proof of the Divine Essence).
Risalah dar sifat (Treatise on the Divine Attributes).
Risalah dar ata (Treatise on the Divine Acts).
Risalah dar wasa'il (Treatise on Means).
Risalah dar insan qabl al-dunya (Treatise on Man before the World)
Risalah dar insan fi al-dunya (Treatise on Man in the World).
Risalah dar insan ba'd al-dunya (Treatise on Man after the World).
Risalah dar nubuwwat (Treatise on Prophecy).
Risalah dar wilayat (Treatise on Initiation).
Risalah dar mushtaqqat (Treatise on Derivatives).
Risalah dar burhan (Treatise on Demonstration).
Risalah dar mughalatah (Treatise on Sophism).
Risalah dar tahlil (Treatise on Analysis).
Risalah dar tarkib (Treatise on Synthesis).
Risalah dar i’tibarat (Treatise on Contingents).
Risalah dar nubuwwat wa manamat (Treatise on Prophecy and Dreams)
Manza’mah dar rasm-i- khatt-i-nasta’liq (Poem on the Method of Writing the Nasta’liq Style of Calligraphy).
Ali wa al-falsafat al-ilahiya (Ali and Metaphysics)