Fortunes of Feminism: From State-Managed Capitalism to Neoliberal Crisis, (Verso、2013).
The Old is Dying and the New Cannot be Born, (Verso, 2019).
Cannibal Capitalism, (Verso, 2022).
(エリ・ザレツキー)『9・11とアメリカの知識人』(御茶の水書房, 2002年)
Redistribution or Recognition?: A Political-philosophical Exchange, with Axel Honneth, trans. by Joel Golb, James Ingram, and Christiane Wilke, (Verso, 2003).
Transnationalizing the Public Sphere,Kate Nash, ed. (Cambridge, UK, 2014).
Domination et émancipation, pour un renouveau de la critique sociale, with Luc Boltanski and Philippe Corcuff, (Lyon: Presses Universitaires de Lyon, 2014). (in French).
Feminism for the 99%: A Manifesto, with Cinzia Arruzza and Tithi Bhattacharya (Verso, 2019).
『99%のためのフェミニズム宣言』(惠愛由訳、菊地夏野 解説、人文書院、2020年)
Revaluing French Feminism: Critical Essays on Difference, Agency, and Culture, co-edited with Sandra Lee Bartky, (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1992).
Feminist contentions: a philosophical exchange, co-edited with Seyla Benhabib,Judith Butler and Drucilla Cornell, (New York: Routledge, 1995)
"A genealogy of dependency: tracing a keyword of the U.S. Welfare State", co-written with Linda Gordon, in Johanna Brenner, Barbara Laslett, Yasmin Arat,eds., Rethinking the political: women, resistance, and the state, (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1995, pp.33–60).
Pragmatism, Critique, Judgment: Essays for Richard J. Bernstein, co-edited with Seyla Benhabib, (MIT Press, 2004).
"Structuralism or pragmatics?: on discourse theory and feminist politics", in Linda Nicholson, ed., The second wave: a reader in feminist theory, (New York: Routledge, 1997, pp.379–395).
"From redistribution to recognition? Dilemmas of justice in a "post-socialist" age", in Cynthia Willett, ed., Theorizing multiculturalism: a guide to the current debate, (Malden, Massachusetts: John Wiley & Sons, 1998, pp.19–49).
"A rejoinder to Iris Young", in Willett, Cynthia (ed.), ibid, (pp.68–72).
Adding insult to injury: Nancy Fraser debates her critics, co-edited with Kevin Olson,(London New York: Verso, 2008).
Politics of culture and the spirit of critique dialogues, co-edited with Gabriel Rockhill and Alfredo Gomez-Muller, (New York: Columbia University Press, 2011).
Capitalism: A Conversation in Critical Theory, co-edited with Rahel Jaeggi, (Polity Press, 2018).