チャールズ・エドワード・リンドブロム(Charles Edward Lindblom、1917年3月21日 - 2018年1月30日[1])は、アメリカの政治学者。エール大学名誉教授。政治過程論、公共政策学が専門。
- The market system: what it is, how it works, and what to make of it, Yale University Press, 2001.
- Inquiry and change: the troubled attempt to understand and shape society, Yale University Press, 1990.
- Democracy and market system, Oxford University Press, 1988.
- Politics and markets: the world's political economic systems, Basic Books, 1977.
- The policy-making process, Prentice-Hall, 1968, 2nd ed, 1980, 3rd edition, 1993.
- The intelligence of democracy: decision making through mutual adjustment, Free Press, 1965.
- Unions and capitalism, Yale University Press, 1949.
- Usable knowledge: social science and social problem solving, Charles E. Lindblom and David K. Cohen, Yale University Press, 1979.
- A strategy of decision: policy evaluation as a social process, David Braybrooke and Charles E. Lindblom, Free Press of Glencoe, 1963.
- Economic development, research and development, policy making: some converging views, Albert O. Hirschman and Charles E. Lindblom, The Rand Corporation, 1960.
- Politics, economics and welfare: planning and politico-economic systems resolved into basic social processes, Robert A. Dahl and Charles E. Lindblom, Harper, 1953, new edition, 1978.
- 『政治・経済・厚生』磯部浩一訳、東洋経済新報社、1961年。