これら民主的改革を求める暴動や運動を受け、ハイド・パークにおける「演説する権利」について考えるものも現れた。1872年の王立公園及び庭園法 (Royal Parks and Garden's Act) では、集会の許可権限を(中央政府ではなく)公園当局に委任した。人々はこれによりスピーカーズ・コーナーにおいて自由に弁論を行う権利が得られると考えたが、実際はそうではなかった。同法に対する国会での議論では、これは公園内における集会・演説を無制限に認めるものではないとされた。しかし、公園の一部はそのような目的に使用できることとなった。
一方、特定の場所においてのみ演説を許可するのは、権力者がロンドンの公共の場の大半での言論の自由を制限するためで、スピーカーズ・コーナーはそのために利用されている、という批判もある。事実、王立公園内でもスピーカーズ・コーナー以外の場所での演説は成文法によって明確に禁止されている。たとえば19世紀後半には、ロンドン・カウンティ・カウンシル (London County Council) によって、社会主義者が集会や演説が行えるのはスピーカーズ・コーナーなどごく一部に限られていた。
A Summer in the Park – A Journal of Speakers' Corner (2004) by Tony Allen, foreword by Ken Campbell
The Speakers (1964) by Heathcote Williams. The book features William MacGuinness, Axel Ney Hoch, John Webster, Jacobus van Dyn, Norman Schlund, Alfred Reynolds and other Speakers' Corner regulars from the 1960s
Hyde Park Orator. Autobiographical reminiscences (1933) by Bonar Thompson. With a portrait. Foreword by Sean O’Casey
Speakers' Corner – an anthology (1977) Edited by Jim Huggon. With a foreword by Philip Sansom.
But Mr Speaker, It would create Anarchy! (ca. 1975) by Jim Huggon
Bonar Thompson, the Old Days of Carnearney: An Examination of the Life and Times of Bonar Thompson, the Hyde Park Orator (1991) by R.H. Foy
Around the Marble Arch. Wit and Humour of the Hyde Park Orators (1939) by F W Batchelor
The history of soapbox oratory. Part one: prominent speakers of the Sydney Domain (1994) by Stephen Maxwell
Speakers' Corner: The Conceptualisation and Regulation of a Public Sphere (2000) by J M Roberts. Dissertation, University of Cardiff.
Roberts, John Michael. 2008. 'Expressive free speech, the state and the public sphere: a Bakhtinian-Deleuzian analysis of "public address" at Hyde Park’. Social Movement Studies: Journal of Social, Cultural and Political Protest. 7:2 (September 2008), pp. 101–119.
From where I stand (1987) by Roy Sawh
A Saint in Hyde Park: Memories of Father Vincent McNabb, O. P. (1950) by Edward A Siderman
Wer andern eine Rede hält – Speakers Corner London (1981) by K H Wocker, photographs by J D Schmidt
Answering back. Donald Soper answers your questions (1953) by Donald Soper
The Domain Speaker. Humour, Politics, Satire, Revolution, Human Rights, Historical, Pictorial, Vicious Wit (1981) by Victor Zammit
Stilled Tongues: From Soapbox to Soundbite (1997) by Stephen Coleman
The future of ideas: the fate of the commons in a connected world (2001) by Lawrence Lessig
'Only in London': Speakers' Corner, Marble Arch. Past, Present, and Future (if any). An illustrated sourcebook (2010) by Reinhard Wentz
Speaker's Corner Teacher Guide. KS3 History and Citizenship (2011) [Produced by The Royal Parks(Agency)] 22p.
BBC 3 produced a program with Tony Allen on heckling as a lost art for the election in 2005. It was based around teaching two people how to heckle at Speakers' Corner.
Episode 24 of Season 6 of the comedy TV series Married... with Children had the Bundy family paying a visit to Speakers' Corner.
In Omen III: The Final Conflict, the adult Damien passes through Speakers' Corner, hears a priest there speaking of the Antichrist, and looks uneasy as the priest seems to recognise him.
Karl Pilkington interviews a man who regularly attends Speakers' Corner, claiming to have discovered "the secret to eternal youth". The interview is an extra, featured on Ricky Gervais's DVD entitled FAME.
Speakers' Corner appears in one of the early issues of the Grant Morrison comic book The Invisibles (later reprinted at the first Invisibles graphic novel, Say You Want A Revolution).
The BBC produced a program on the Park Police.
On 2 April 2007 Garry Cobain of The Future Sound of Londonposted a video onto his YouTube account of him arguing with a lady at Speakers Corner in London about God entitled "the GOD WARS – An Argument I Had At Speaker's Corner". It is edited in a humorous way by him with the intro title "COMIC BELIEF presents..."[4]
The lyrics of British rock group Dire Straits' song "Industrial Disease" (from the Love Over Gold album) refer to Speakers' Corner: "I go down to Speakers' Corner, I'm thunderstruck; they got free speech, tourists, police in trucks. Two men say they're Jesus; one of them must be wrong. There's a protest singer, he's singing a protest song..."
Episode 3 season 1 BBC The Speaker contestants have to speak at Speakers' Corner to prove their public speaking skills.
In Half a Life: A Novel by V. S. Naipaul, the main character, visiting London for the first time, expects to see large, radical, excited crowds at Speakers' Corner. Instead he encounters "an idle scatter of people around half a dozen talkers, with the big buses and the cars rolling indifferently by all the time" and speakers with odd, "very personal religious ideas," such that their families "might have been glad to get them out of the house in the afternoons."
ITN Reporting 67: Hyde Park Speakers' Corner Three short (3 min.) film clips featuring Jacobus van Dyn (showing his tattoos), Robert 'Next Case!' Matthews, Robert Ogilvie, Lord Soper, Roy Sawh, and many other speakers from the 1960s
The Dutch Speakers' Corner web site The web site contains radio, TV and video news & archives of speeches, discussions and soundscapes from Speakers' Corner Oosterpark since 2005.