# |
邦題. |
原題 |
1 |
死者の村 |
Village of the Dead |
"Famous Detective Stories" 1955.2
2 |
悪魔の蹄跡(ひづめあと) |
The Hoofs of Satan |
"Famous Detective Stories" 1956.2
3 |
焼け死んだ魔女 |
The Witch Is Dead |
"Famous Detective Stories" 1956.4
4 |
過去のない男 |
The Man from Nowhere |
"Famous Detective Stories" 1956.6
5 |
地獄の代理人 |
The Vicar of Hell |
"Famous Detective Stories" 1956.8
6 |
The Wolves of Werclaw |
"Famous Detective Stories" 1956.10
7 |
Blood in the Stands |
"Terror Detective Story Magagine" 1957.2
8 |
黄泉の国の判事たち |
The Judge of Hades |
"Crack Detective & Mystery Stories" 1957.2
9 |
Serpent in Paradise |
"Crack Detective & Mystery Stories"1957.4
10 |
Twelve for Eternity |
"Crack Detective & Mystery Stories"1957.7
11 |
悪魔がやって来る時間 |
The Hour of None |
"Double-Action Detective & Mystery" 1957. Fall
12 |
Desert of Sin |
"Double-Action Detective & Mystery" 1958.5
13 |
ドラゴンに殺された女 |
The Dragon Murders |
"Double-Action Detective & Mystery" 1958.9
14 |
闇の塔からの叫び |
Street of Screams |
"Double-Action Detective & Mystery" 1959.1
15 |
The Case of the Sexy Sumugglers |
"Double-Action Detective & Mystery" 1959.7
16 |
呪われた裸女 |
The Case of the Naked Niece |
"Double-Action Detective & Mystery" 1959.9
17 |
罪人に突き刺さった剣 |
Sword for a Sinner |
"The Saint Detective / Mystery Magazine" 1959.10
18 |
The Case of the Vanished Virgin |
"Double-Action Detective & Mystery" 1959.11
19 |
The Case of the Ragged Rapist |
"Double-Action Detective & Mystery" 1960.1
20 |
真鍮の街 |
City of Brass |
"The Saint Mystery Library" 1959.9
21 |
The Case of the Mystic Mistress |
"Double-Action Detective & Mystery" 1960.5
22 |
炙り殺された男の復讐 |
Flame at Twilight |
"The Saint Mystery Library" 1960.1
23 |
The Clouded Venus |
"Tightrope Detective Magazine" 1960.6
24 |
Lovely Lady of Lust |
"Keyhole Detective Magazine" 1962.4
25 |
魔法使いの日(魔術師の日) |
Day of the Wizard |
"The Saint Detective / Mystery Magazine" 1963.8(英国版)
26 |
シェイクスピアの直筆原稿 |
The Lost Pilgrim |
"Mike Shayne Mystery Magazine" 1972.2
27 |
霧の中の埋葬 |
Funeral in the Fog |
"Weird Tales" 1973. Summer
28 |
切り裂きジャックの秘宝 |
The Treasure of Jack the Ripper |
"Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine" 1978.10
29 |
海から戻ってきたミイラ(海から来たミイラ) |
The Mummy from the Sea |
"Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine" 1979.1
30 |
狼男を撃った男(人狼を撃った男) |
The Man Who Shot the Werewolf |
"Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine" 1979.2
31 |
宇宙からの復讐者 |
The Avenger from Outer Space |
"Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine" 1979.10
32 |
過去から飛んできたナイフ |
The Weapon Out of the Past |
"Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine" 1980.4
33 |
海の美人妖術師 |
The Soceress of the Sea |
"Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine" 1980.8
34 |
マラバールの禿鷹 |
The Vulteres of Malabar |
"Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine" 1980.10
35 |
The Dying Marabout |
"Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine" 1981.2
36 |
一角獣の娘 |
The Unicorn's Daughter |
"Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine" 1982.1
37 |
百羽の鳥を飼う家 |
The House of Hundred Birds |
"Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine" 1982.2
38 |
パーク・アヴェニューに住む魔女 |
The Witch of Park Avenue |
"Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine" 1982.8
39 |
悪魔撲滅教団 |
The S.S.S. |
ハヤカワ・ミステリ・マガジン 1983.9(日本向け書き下ろし) "Mystery Scene" 1986.11
40 |
砂漠で洪水を待つ箱船(砂漠の箱船) |
Ark in the Desert |
"Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine" 1984.12
41 |
The Spy on the Seaway |
"Espionage" 1985.2
42 |
ツェルファル城から消えた囚人 |
Prisoner of Zerfall |
"Espionage" 1985.11
43 |
Day of the Dead |
"Espionage" 1986.4
44 |
黄泉の国へ(黄泉の国への早道) |
The Way Up to Hades |
"Famous Detective Stories"
45 |
聖ヴァレンタインの娘たち |
The Virgins of Valentine |
"14 Vicious Valentines", 1988 (邦題『バレンタイン14の恐怖』新潮社 1989年)
46 |
妖精コリヤダ |
The Touch of Kolyada |
"Mistletoe Mysteries", 1989 (邦題『聖なる夜の犯罪』ミステリアス・プレス文庫 1990年)
47 |
魂狩り(魂の取り立て人) |
The Stalker of Souls |
"Stalkers", 1989 (邦題『罠』扶桑社 1992年)
48 |
傷跡同盟(傷痕同盟) |
The Society of the Scar |
"Predators", 1993 (邦題『プレデターズ』扶桑社 1994年)
49 |
The Night Swimmer |
"Northern Frights 2", 1994
50 |
吸血鬼に向かない血 |
No Blood for a Vampire |
"Vampire Detectives", 1995
51 |
ロビン・フッドの幽霊 |
Robin Hood's Race |
"No Alibi", 1995
52 |
墓場荒らしの悪鬼 |
The Graveyard Ghoul |
"Night Screams", 1996
53 |
The Town Where No One Stayed Over |
"Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine" 1997.3
54 |
奇蹟の教祖 |
Master of Miracles |
"Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine" 1999.5
55 |
怖がらせの鈴 |
The Scaring Bell |
"Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine" 2001.5
56 |
死なないボクサー |
The Man Who Boxed Forever |
"Murder on the Ropes", 2001
57 |
キルトを縫わないキルター |
The Faraway Quilters |
"Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine" 2003.2
58 |
明日への旅 |
Tram to Tomorrow |
"Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine" 2004.6
59 |
死を招く喇叭(らっぱ) |
The Gravesend Trumpet |
"Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine" 2005.12
60 |
The Christmas Egg |
"Crippen & Landru holiday pamphlet", 2006
61 |
The Automaton Museum |
"Sherlock Holmes Mystery Magazine #1", 08-Winter