エウヘニオ・マリア・デ・オストス空港(エウヘニオ・マリア・デ・オストスくうこう、スペイン語: Aeropuerto Eugenio María de Hostos、英語: Eugenio María de Hostos Airport、(IATA: MAZ, ICAO: TJMZ, FAALID: MAZ))は、プエルトリコの海岸都市マヤグエスから4マイル(およそ 6km)北に位置している空港[1]。この空港は、マヤグエス出身の著名人エウヘニオ・マリア・デ・オストス(スペイン語版)にちなんで名付けられている。この空港には、少数の国内路線が民間航空によって運行されているが、これには不可欠路線運航サービス(英語版)計画に基づいて公的支援がなされている。
90-Day Notice (November 5, 2005): of Executive Airlines, Inc. d/b/a American Eagle of intent to terminate service at Mayaguez, P.R.
Order 2004-12-19 (January 4, 2005): requests proposals for providing essential air service at Mayaguez, Puerto Rico, and/or Ponce, Puerto Rico, with or without subsidy requirements; prohibits Executive Airlines from suspending service at Mayaguez, at the end of its 90-day notice period and requires it to maintain 14 nonstop round trips a week between Mayaguez and San Juan, through March 7, 2005, or until a carrier capable of providing reliable essential air service actually begins service, whichever occurs first.
Order 2005-3-2 (March 7, 2005): selecting Hyannis Air Service, Inc., d/b/a Cape Air to provide essential air service (EAS) at Mayaguez and Ponce, Puerto Rico, for the two-year period through April 30, 2007; establishing an annual subsidy rate of $688,551, beginning when the carrier inaugurates service at Mayaguez; and establishing an annual subsidy rate of $622,056 for service at Ponce, retroactive to January 1, 2005.
Order 2007-4-18 (April 20, 2007): selecting Hyannis Air Service, Inc., d/b/a Cape Air to provide essential air service (EAS) at Mayaguez and Ponce, Puerto Rico, for the two-year period through April 30, 2007; establishing an annual subsidy rate of $688,551, beginning when the carrier inaugurates service at Mayaguez; and establishing an annual subsidy rate of $622,056 for service at Ponce, retroactive to January 1, 2005.
Order 2009-3-1 (March 3, 2009): re-selecting Hyannis Air Service, Inc., d/b/a Cape Air, to continue to provide subsidized essential air service (EAS) at Mayaguez and Ponce, Puerto Rico, for the two-year period beginning May 1, 2009, at the annual subsidy rates of $980,980 for Mayaguez and $740,416 for Ponce.
Order 2011-3-28 (March 22, 2011): re-selecting Hyannis Air Service Inc., operating as Cape Air, to provide essential air service (EAS) using 9-seat Cessna 402 aircraft at Mayaguez, Puerto Rico, for the five-year period beginning May 1, 2011, through April 30, 2016, for an annual subsidy of $1,198,824.