(EN) Carolyn Abbate e Roger Parker, A History of Opera, New York, W W Norton & Co Inc, 2012.
(EN) John R. Bennett, Voices of the Past, Vol. II: A Catalogue of Vocal Recordings from the Italian Catalogues of the Gramophone Company Limited, Oakwood Press, 1967.
(EN) Arthur Eaglefield Hull, A Dictionary of Modern Music and Musicians, Londra, Dent, 1924.
(a cura di) Aldo Nicastro, Guida al Teatro d'Opera, coll. Le Guide Zecchini 2, Varese, Zecchini Editore, 2011.
(EN) Regina Pinkert, in The Burr McIntosh Monthly, XIII, Burr McIntosh Publishing Company, 1907.
Hilary Poriss, Changing the Score: Arias, Prima Donnas, and the Authority of Performance, vol. 2, Oxford, Oxford University Press., 2009.
(EN) M. Scott, The Record of Singing to 1914, Londra, Duckworth, 1977.
(EN) W. J. Thorold, Arthur Hornblow Jr., Perriton Maxwell e Stewart Beach, Regina Pinkert - The Polish Patti, in The Theatre, vol. 7, Theatre Magazine Company, 1907.