Nelson George

Nelson George

Nelson George (Brooklyn, 1º settembre 1957) è un regista, sceneggiatore, attore e scrittore statunitense.

Ha vinto due American Book Awards: nel 1993 per Elevating the Game: Black Men and Basketball e nel 1999 per Hip Hop America: Hip Hop and the Molding of Black Generation X[1].

Entrò nel mondo del cinema del 1986, finanziando Lola Darling, uno dei primi film di Spike Lee[2].

Filmografia parziale





  • The Michael Jackson Story (1983)
  • Elevating the Game: Black Men and Basketball (1992)
  • Buppies, B-Boys, Baps & Bohos: Notes on Post-Soul Black Culture (1993)
  • Blackface: Reflections on African-Americans and the Movies (1994)
  • Seduced (1996)
  • One Woman Short (2001)
  • Life and Def: Sex, Drugs, Money, and God (2001)
  • Show & Tell (2002)
  • The Death of Rhythm and Blues (2003)
  • Night Work: A Novel (2003)
  • Hip Hop America (2005)
  • Post-Soul Nation: The Explosive, Contradictory, Triumphant, and Tragic 1980s as Experienced by African Americans (Previously Known as Blacks and Before That Negroes) (2005)
  • Where Did Our Love Go?: The Rise and Fall of the Motown Sound (2007)
  • The James Brown Reader: Fifty Years of Writing About the Godfather of Soul (2008)
  • City Kid: A Writer's Memoir of Ghetto Life and Post-Soul Success (2009)
  • Thriller: The Musical Life of Michael Jackson (2010)
  • The Plot Against Hip Hop: A Novel (2011)
  • The Hippest Trip in America: Soul Train and the Evolution of Culture & Style (2014)
  • The Lost Treasures of R&B (2015)
  • The Accidental Hunter (2015)
  • The Darkest Hearts (2020)
  • The Nelson George Mixtape Volume 1 (2021)


  1. ^ (EN) Albo d'oro, su URL consultato il 28 marzo 2020.
  2. ^ (EN) Nelson George, Nelson George (A Ballerina’s Tale) Talks How Spike Lee Changed His Life, su, 17 ottobre 2015. URL consultato il 28 marzo 2020.

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