Il Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA) è un comando dell'U.S. Navy, responsabile della ricerca e sviluppo dei mezzi navali in dotazione alla United States Navy. Il quartier generale è situato presso la Washington Navy Yard, nel Distretto di Columbia.
Il comando progetta, costruisce, consegna e mantiene navi, sottomarini e sistemi in maniera affidabile, nei tempi e nei costi per la U.S. Navy.
- Commander Naval Sea Systems Command
- Naval Nuclear Propulsion SEA 08
- Comptroller SEA 01
- AEGIS Technical Representative
- Surface Combat Systems Center
- Contracts SEA 02
- Cyber Engineering & Digital Transformation SEA 03
- Industrial Operations SEA 04
- Naval Shipyards
- Supervisor of Shipbuilding, Conversion and Repair (SupShips)
- Japan SRF
- Naval Systems Engineering & Logistics SEA 05
- Naval Ordnance Safety & Security Activity (NOSSA)
- Undersea Warfare SEA 07
- Naval Surface Warfare Centers (NWSC)
- Naval Undersea Warfare Center (NUWC)
- Total Force & Corporate Operations SEA 10
- Surface Ship Maintenance, Modernization & Sustainment SEA 21
- Surface Maintenance Engineering, Planning and Procurement (SURFMEPP)
- Inactive Ships Management Office
- Naval Regional Maintenance Center, Norfolk, Virginia
Program Executives Offices -PEO
- PEO Ships
- PEO Unmanned & Small Combatants
- PEO Attack Submarines
- Submarine Maintenance Engineering, Planning and Procurement (SUBMEPP)
- PEO Strategic Submarines
- PEO Undersea Warfare Systems
- PEO Integrated Warfare Systems
- PEO Aircraft Carriers
- Carrier Planning Activity
Altri progetti
Collegamenti esterni