Henry Moore (biografo)

Henry Moore (Drumcondra, 1751Londra, 1844) è stato un religioso irlandese.

Convertitosi al metodismo, fu assistente di John Wesley dal 1784 al 1786 e dal 1788 al 1790. Moore fu inoltre biografo di Wesley, ed, insieme a Thomas Coke, scrisse nel 1824 una biografia del fondatore del metodismo.


Life was published in 1824-25. His Life was published by Mrs. Richard Smith, with autobiographical content, in 1844. Moore's other works are:

  • A Reply to Considerations in the Separation of the Methodists from the Established Church (1794)
  • Poems, Lyrical and Miscellaneous (1806)
  • Life and Death of Mrs. Ann Moore (1813)
  • Thoughts on the Eternal Sonship (1816)
  • The Life of Mrs. Mary Fletcher of Madeley (1817)
  • A Short Account of Mrs. Mary Titherington of Liverpool (1819)
  • Sermons (1830)

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