Henk Jaap Beentje

Henk Jaap Beentje (1951) è un botanico olandese.

Alcune opere

  • A Field Guide to the Acacias of Kenya, Malcolm Coe, Henk Beentje & Rosemary Wise, Oxford University Press (1992), ISBN 0-19-858411-3
  • Kenya Trees, Shrubs, and Lianas, Henk Beentje, Joy Adamson & Dhan Bhanderi, National Museums of Kenya (1994), ISBN 9966-9861-0-3
  • The Palms of Madagascar, John Dransfield, Henk Beentje, Margaret Tebbs & Rosemary Wise, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew (1995), ISBN 0-947643-82-6
  • Field Guide to the Palms of Madagascar, John Dransfield, Henk Beentje, Adam Britt, Tianjanahary Ranarivelo & Jeremie Razafitsalama, Kew Publishing (2006), ISBN 1-84246-157-5

Collegamenti esterni

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Controllo di autoritàVIAF (EN69017393 · ISNI (EN0000 0000 3197 1206 · LCCN (ENn88260746 · GND (DE101567979X · BNF (FRcb124109255 (data) · J9U (ENHE987007442622305171