George Rickey

George Rickey

George Rickey (South Bend, 6 giugno 1907Saint Paul, 17 luglio 2002) è stato un artista statunitense famoso per le sue sculture cinetiche.

Holywell Manor, Oxford
Two vertical, three horizontal lines a Otterlo

Galleria d'immagini


  • Kvaran, Einar Einarsson, An Annotated Inventory of Outdoor Sculpture in Washtenaw County, Master's Degree Project, 1989
  • Lizzi, Maria. Archivist, George Rickey Workshop, East Chatham, NY
  • New Jersey State Museum, Sculptures by George Rickey and James Seawright, New Jersey State Museum, Trenton, 1970.

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Controllo di autoritàVIAF (EN50020669 · ISNI (EN0000 0001 0800 1225 · BAV 495/143614 · Europeana agent/base/67074 · ULAN (EN500056254 · LCCN (ENn50045671 · GND (DE140941932 · BNE (ESXX1417669 (data) · BNF (FRcb12226683t (data) · J9U (ENHE987007275946605171
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