(it) Fausto Giovannardi : Vladimir Shukhov e la leggerezza dell'acciaio sur costruzioni.net
Notes et références
↑(de) P.110-114, «Vladimir G. Suchov 1853—1939. Die Kunst der sparsamen Konstruktion.», Rainer Graefe, Ph. D., und andere, 192 S., Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt, Stuttgart, 1990, (ISBN3-421-02984-9)
↑(en) «The Nijni-Novgorod exhibition: Water tower, room under construction, springing of 91 feet span», «The Engineer», № 19.3.1897, P.292-294, London, 1897.
↑(en) «Arkhitektura i mnimosti»: The origins of Soviet avant-garde rationalist architecture in the Russian mystical-philosophical and mathematical intellectual tradition", Elizabeth Cooper English, Ph. D., a dissertation in architecture, 264 p., University of Pennsylvania, 2000.