La Household Division est traditionnellement constituée de cinq régiments d'infanterie (Foot Guards) et deux de cavalerie (Household Cavalry). Le King's Troop, Royal Horse Artillery, bien que n'étant pas historiquement une unité de Guards, est rattaché au corps.
Le Major-General commanding the Household Division est le commandant de la Household Division et également l'officier général commandant le London District[2],[3].
Majors-Généraux commandant la Brigade of Guards et le Home District (1870-1906)
Major-General Prince Edward of Saxe-Weimar 1870-1876 ex Grenadier Guards
Major-General Sir Frederick Stephenson 1876-1879 ex Scots Guards
Major-General Sir George Higginson 1879-1884 lex Grenadier Guards
Major-General Sir Reginald Gipps 1884-1889 ex Scots Guards
Major-General Philip Smith 1889-1892 ex Grenadier Guards
Major-General The Lord Methuen 1892-1897 ex Scots Guards
Major-General Sir Henry Trotter 1897-1903 ex Grenadier Guards
Major-General Sir Laurence Oliphant, 1903-1906 ex Grenadier Guards
Majors-Généraux commandant la Brigade of Guards et le London District (1906-1950)
Major-General Sir Frederick Stopford, 1906-1909 ex Grenadier Guards
Major-General Sir Alfred Codrington, 1909-1913 ex Grenadier Guards
Lieutenant-General Sir Francis Lloyd 1913-1918 ex Grenadier Guards
Major-General Sir Geoffrey Feilding 1918-1920 ex Coldstream Guards
Major-General Sir George Jeffreys 1920-1924 ex Grenadier Guards
Major-General Lord Ruthven of Freeland, 1924-1928 ex Scots Guards
Major-General Sir Charles Corkran, 1928-1932 ex Grenadier Guards
Major-General Albemarle Cator, April - November 1932 ex Scots Guards
Major-General Sir Charles Grant, 1932-1934 ex Coldstream Guards
Major-General Sir Bertram Sergison-Brooke, 1934-1938 ex Grenadier Guards
Lieutenant-General Sir Andrew Thorne, 1938-1939 ex Grenadier Guards
Lieutenant-General Sir Bertram Sergison-Brooke, 1939-1942 ex Grenadier Guards
Lieutenant-General Sir Arthur Smith, 1942-1944 ex Coldstream Guards
Lieutenant-General Sir Charles Loyd, 1944-1947 ex Coldstream Guards
Major-General Sir John Marriott, 1947-1950 ex Scots Guards
Majors-Généraux commandant la Household Brigade et le London District (1950-1968)
Major-General Sir Julian Gascoigne, 1950-1953 ex Grenadier Guards
Major-General Sir George Johnson, 1953-1957 ex Scots Guards
Major-General Sir Rodney Moore, 1957-1959 ex Grenadier Guards
Major-General Sir George Burns, 1959-1962 ex Coldstream Guards
Major-General Sir John Nelson, 1962-1965 ex Grenadier Guards
Major-General Sir Basil Eugster, 1965-1968 ex Irish Guards
Majors-Généraux commandant la Household Division et le London District (1968- )
Major-General Lord Michael Fitzalan-Howard, 1968-1971 ex Life Guards
Major-General Sir James Bowes-Lyon, 1971-1973 ex Grenadier Guards
Major-General Sir Philip Ward, 1973-1976 ex Welsh Guards
Major-General Sir John Swinton, 1976-1979 ex Scots Guards
Major-General Sir Desmond Langley, 1979-1983 ex The Life Guards
Major-General Sir James Eyre, 1983-1986 ex Royal Horse Guards
Major-General Sir Christopher Airy, 1986-1989 ex Scots Guards
Major-General Sir Simon Cooper, 1989-1991 ex Life Guards
Major-General Sir Robert Corbett, 1991-1994 ex Irish Guards
Major-General Sir Iain Mackay-Dick, 1994-1997 ex Scots Guards
Major-General Sir Evelyn Webb-Carter, 1997-2000 ex Grenadier Guards
Major-General Sir Redmond Watt, 2000-2003 ex Welsh Guards
Major-General Sir Sebastian Roberts, 2003-2007 ex Irish Guards
Major-General Sir William Cubitt, 2007-2011 ex Irish Guards 1998-2011 (ayant servi dans les Coldstream Guards (1977-98))
Major-General Sir George Norton 2011-2013 ex Grenadier Guards[4]
Major-General Edward Smyth-Osbourne 2013- ex Life Guards[5]