Ernst Wilhelm Theodor Herrmann Hengstenberg ( - ), est un théologien protestant allemand représentatif du néo-luthéranisme.
Issu de la famille Hengstenberg(de), en 1853-1854, il fit paraître dans la Evangelische Kirchenzeitung une série d'articles antimaçonniques qui aboutiront en 1854 en un livre attaquant la franc-maçonnerie[1].
Il attribue au travail des loges maçonniques le déclin et même la disparition de la foi chrétienne chez les adeptes de la réforme protestante[2].
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Christologie des Alten Testaments (1829–1835; 2nd ed., 1854–1857; Eng. trans. by R Keith, 1835–1839, also in Clark's Foreign Theological Library, by T Meyer and J Martin, 1854–1858), a work of much learning the estimate of which varies according to the hermeneutical principle of the individual critic
Beiträge zur Einleitung in das Alte Testament (1831–1839); Eng. trans., Dissertations on the Genuineness of Daniel, and the Integrity of Zechariah (Edin., 1848), and Dissertation on the Genuineness of the Pentateuch (Edin., 1847), in which the traditional view on each question is strongly upheld, and much capital is made of the absence of harmony among the negative
Die Geschichte Bileams u. seiner Weissagungen (1842; translated along with the Dissertations on Daniel and Zechariah)
Commentar über die Psalmen (1842–1847; 2nd ed., 1849–1852; Eng. trans. by P Fairbain and J Thomson, Edin., 1844–1848), which shares the merit and defects of the Christologie
Die Offenbarung Johannis erläutert (1849–1851; 2nd ed., 1861–1862; Eng. trans. by P. Fairbairn also in Clark's " Foreign Theological Library," 1851-1852)
"The Relation between the Jews and the Christian Church" (1857; 2nd ed., 1859), which originally appeared in the Kirchenzeitung, were afterwards printed in a separate form.
Posthumously published:
Geschichte des Reiches Gottes unter dem Alten Bunde (1869–1871)
Martin Gerhardt (fortgeführt von Alfred Adam): Friedrich von Bodelschwingh. Ein Lebensbild aus der deutschen Kirchengeschichte. 1. Bd. 1950, 2. Bd. 1. Hälfte 1952, 2. Hälfte 1958.
↑Jean Guillaume Gyr, La Franc-Maçonnerie en Elle-même et dans ses Rapports avec les autres Sociétés Secrètes de l'Europe, notamment avec la Carbonarie Italienne, Liège, Imprimerie de J.-G. Lardinois - Paris, Librairie de P. Lethielleux, 1859, p.V