(en) Mythology and the Romantic Tradition in English Poetry, Cambridge, Harvard University Press, (OCLC55449294).
(en) The Renaissance and English Humanism, .
(en) English Literature in the Earlier Seventeenth Century, 1600-1660, Oxford, Clarendon Press, coll. « Oxford History of English Literature », (lire en ligne).
(en) Classical Influences in Renaissance Literature, Harvard University Press, coll. « Martin Classical Lectures » (no 13), .
(en) Prefaces to Renaissance Literature, .
(en) Engaged and Disengaged, .
(en) John Keats: His Life and Writings [« John Keats, sa vie, son œuvre »], Londres, Macmillan Publishers, (OCLC59021871)
En tant qu'éditeur
(en) Douglas Bush (Introduction), John Keats, Selected Poems and Letters [« John Keats, poèmes choisis et correspondance »], Cambridge MA, Harvard University Press, (OCLC276449).