Usuario discusión:Mpen13

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Hola, Mpen13. Te damos la bienvenida a Wikipedia en español.
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Esperamos que pases buenos momentos en Wikipedia. --Jbmurray (discusión) 22:58 6 ene 2015 (UTC)[responder]

Hi! Thanks for your edits to Río Thompson. It's great you're figuring out how Wikipedia works. However, in this case the information added both duplicates and contradicts what's already in the article: further down it says that "El río Thompson Sur se origina a la salida del lago Little Shuswap." Ideally, if you are changing the information you'd find a reputable source. Note also that this article is pretty much a translation of the article in the English Wikpedia, which says the same thing. As such, for now I'm reverting (or undoing) your changes.

Meanwhile, your edit to Cincuenta sombras de Grey also rather duplicates the section of that article that's already devoted to the film adaptation. I've therefore reverted that edit, too, but added a bit more about the filming locations to the article on the film itself. --Jbmurray (discusión) 07:26 17 ene 2015 (UTC)[responder]

Hi ZoeN02 (disc. · contr. · bloq.), Mpen13 (disc. · contr. · bloq.), and Margaretyjkim (disc. · contr. · bloq.). You've all added to the Carmen Naranjo talkpage, but I note that none of you have yet edited the article itself. This is a reminder that should have started on this by now, even with some very short initial edits. Good luck! --Jbmurray (discusión) 04:28 13 feb 2015 (UTC)[responder]

Marzo 2015

Ediciones arbitrarias

Hola. Te agradeceré que no edites arbitrariamente los artículos; otros editores deben perder tiempo valioso en revertir tus acciones y empañas la imagen de Wikipedia que puede hacerse un visitante ocasional. Recuerda además que las ediciones arbitrarias pueden ser consideradas un acto de vandalismo (lo que nos obligaría a bloquearte). Puedes visitar la página de ayuda para informarte y tienes la zona de pruebas para hacer ensayos de edición. Gracias. Waka 21:51 3 mar 2015 (UTC)[responder]

Para ser más exacto, te revertido porque tu edición no era neutral y has eliminado una cosa del artículo. --Waka 21:54 3 mar 2015 (UTC)[responder]

reference test

Ella es conocida por su extensa obra literaria en las áreas de la poesía, ensayo, narrativa y teatro así como su posición política como embajadora en Israel (1972-1974), Ministeria de Cultura de Costa Rica (1974-1976), y la directora de la Editorial Universitaria Centroamericana (EDUCA) [1]

Carmen Naranjo nació en Cartago, Costa Rica el30 de enero de 1928 a los padres Sebastián Naranjo Prida de Santa Cruz de Tenerife y Caridad Coto Troyo de ascendencia sefardí[2]




Hi. It's good to see that you have been editing pretty consistently. Excellent. Do keep it up! --Jbmurray (discusión) 20:22 10 mar 2015 (UTC)[responder]

Page numbers

Hi, and thanks for this edit. NB though that we need more specific references. Here, particularly the page numbers. (You're using the Nelson source, right?). --Jbmurray (discusión) 20:04 17 mar 2015 (UTC)[responder]

I am using two articles that have the same format to an online article/biography that doesn't have page numbers... --— El comentario anterior sin firmar es obra de Mpen13 (disc.contribsbloq). 20:12 17 mar 2015‎
OK, what are the articles? Can you provide full info for each? --Jbmurray (discusión) 20:16 17 mar 2015 (UTC)[responder]

Yes. Source Citation (MLA 7th Edition)

"Carmen Naranjo." Contemporary Authors Online. Detroit: Gale, 2003. Literature Resource Center. Web. 17 Mar. 2015. URL

Nelson, Ardis L. "Carmen Naranjo." Modern Latin-American Fiction Writers: Second Series. Ed. William Luis and Ann Gonzalez. Detroit: Gale Research, 1994. Dictionary of Literary Biography Vol. 145. Literature Resource Center. Web. 17 Mar. 2015. URL

OK, you need to make clear in which case (in each footnote), where the information is coming from. Here you tell us that you are just using the second of these two sources. Is that right? (NB it would be good to get some better sources while we're at it...) --Jbmurray (discusión) 20:23 17 mar 2015 (UTC)[responder]

Hmm. No, or maybe im confised, but thoes citations are for the same source. I have three great sources. Ive used two so far, and i am waiting for my team to incorporate theirs as well. --— El comentario anterior sin firmar es obra de Mpen13 (disc.contribsbloq). 05:17 19 mar 2015

The important thing again (here as in any term paper, etc.) is to make it clear what you're sources are and where exactly you're getting your information from. I'm not sure these two are great sources, though. here's a mention of at least one better one to be checked out from Koerner. --Jbmurray (discusión) 05:39 19 mar 2015 (UTC)[responder]

As you guys are still looking for better sources, there's an essay in this book: * Meyer, Doris, ed. (1995). Reinterpreting the Spanish American Essay: Women's writers of the 19th and 20th Centuries. Austin, Texas: University of Texas Press. ISBN 9780292751675. . It's at PQ7082.E8 R38 1995 in Koerner's, but is checked out, possibly to RvL406 (disc. · contr. · bloq.). Meanwhile, it would also be good to check out the library copy of Modern Latin-American Fiction Writers. It's at PN451.D5 V.145. --Jbmurray (discusión) 20:25 20 mar 2015 (UTC)[responder]

Hi. I do appreciate your work here, but there are problems with the sourcing. I can't find any book with the title "Contemporary Authors" and authors "Benford, Gregory.,Cusk, Rachel., Marx, Harpo., Ware, Chris." I'm also unsure about the relation between this work and Contemporary Authors Online. Perhaps it might be easiest if you came to me with photocopies or scans of the relevant articles, plus the title pages of each book, and I can help show you how you should be doing the referencing.

I also am reluctant to say it yet again, but these are not great sources. They are tertiary sources, and as Wikipedia's guide to reliable sources notes, secondary sources are always preferable. Where tertiary sources *are* useful is in indicating reliable secondary sources. For instance, the unsigned article from "Contemporary Authors Online" points you not only to the article in the Doris Meyer collection (which I mention just above), but also to Women Writers of Spanish America, edited by Diane E. Marting, Greenwood Press (New York, NY), 1987. Better still, the Ardis Nelson article in Modern Latin American Fiction articles points you to nineteen secondary sources.

I did say to you guys at the outset that your group might have the toughest time finding decent sources. So using some tertiary sources might be OK. But at the moment the article relies on them exclusively. I realize this is a group project and that you're waiting for ZoeN02 (disc. · contr. · bloq.) and Margaretyjkim (disc. · contr. · bloq.) to get to work. Progress is being made, which is great. But I'm hoping that we can up the tempo and wrinkle out these sourcing problems. --Jbmurray (discusión) 01:19 22 mar 2015 (UTC)[responder]

-OK. I will check out those other sources that you mentioned. In regards to what you said previously about not being able to find a book with the title "contemporary authors" etc. I will show you the pictures I took of it. I got it from the UBC library. It's volume 145 from a series of literary biographies. I've done the research ( as you would have seen in my research project) on the Contemporary Author series and Gale Group Publishing and they are renown; providing information about contemporary authors to many institutions and libraries around the world etc. I beleive it is a reliable source, but agree that it is tercerary, and I will try to find secondary sources as well. You're right. It's hard!