Usuario discusión:Klemen Kocjancic

Klemen Kocjancic, te damos la bienvenida a Wikipedia en español: ésta es tu página de discusión, que te servirá para recibir mensajes de Wikipedistas que quieran contactarse contigo. Además, tienes tu página de usuario, donde puedes poner tus datos, intereses, los idiomas que hablas, tu país de procedencia, etcétera.

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Saludos, y que aprendas tanto de la wikipedia como nosotros esperamos aprender de ti. Si tienes alguna duda, pregunta, que aquí estamos para ayudar. --Desatonao, α 18:54 14 abr, 2005 (CEST)

Thanks for your kind greetings! We'll learn for hole life, why not use Wikipedia for that ;). Regards, --Klemen Kocjancic 21:20 14 abr, 2005 (CEST)

A little change

I´ve put correctly your babel template. Thanks for colaborate in this wikipedia.--FAR, (Para dejarme un mensaje) 16:45 18 may, 2005 (CEST)


Lese, bitte, die discusion von Desembarco de Normandía. Deine Umbennenung stimmt nicht. Auch den Artikel sollts Du besser durlesen. Cornava 22:30 8 jun, 2005 (CEST). Da wo ich Rouen sage, soll es Caen heissen. Cornava 22:34 8 jun, 2005 (CEST)


Why have you deleted the Arabic and Turkish interwikis in laúd? I speak Arabic and I can assure you that the Arabic one is indeed correct. As for the Turkish one, I recon I don't speak the language and followed the Arabic and French sets of interwikis, but take a look and you'll see enough evidence of it's correction, even if you don't speak Turkish either. --Filius Rosadis 22:41 16 dic 2005 (CET)

It was suggested that Laud and ut aren't the same instruments. Regards, --Klemen Kocjancic 22:00 21 dic 2005 (CET)

bot on slwiki

Sorry if I have bother you. I am not planing to run a bot on regular basics in this Wikipedia, but I sometimes use my own user account to fix interwikis with a bot program. As I also plan to fix interwikis manually and, probably, make some other manual fix with my own account, I do not think my own personal account should be flagged as bot.

If you think I cannot run very sporadically a bot under my personal account I will ask for bot status for a special bot account. Please let me know.

Carlos Th (M·C) 19:38 28 feb 2006 (CET)

PD. I am writing here as I found that I was blocked on slwiki. I promise I will not run my bot there until authorized (either with or without flag). I mean, I need to be unblocked to ask permision on sl:Wikipedija:Boti or to talk to you in your sl talk page.