El interés por esta lengua aumentó en forma explosiva en 2014 a raíz del estreno de la película ucraniana La tribu, en la cual los actores se comunican en esta lengua de signos sin recurrir a ningún diálogo hablado.[2][3][4][5][6][7]
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Russell, D. (2008). Ukrainian signed language: Bridging research and educational practice. Proceedings of the 2nd International Scientific Conference: The Ukrainian Diaspora in the Global Context Lʹviv. 2008. 277 pp. (p. 258 – 259).[8]
Kobel, I. (2009). Ukrainian hearing parents and their deaf children (Doctoral dissertation, University of Alberta)] 233 pp.[9]
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Krivonos, Yu G., et al. (2009) "Information technology for Ukrainian sign language simulation." Artificial Intelligence 3 (2009): 186–198.
Davydov, M. V., I. V. Nikolski, and V. V. Pasichnyk. (2010) "Real-time Ukrainian sign language recognition system." Intelligent Computing and Intelligent Systems (ICIS), 2010 IEEE International Conference on. Vol. 1. IEEE, 2010.
Davydov, M. V., et al. (2013) "Providing Feedback in Ukrainian Sign Language Tutoring Software." Rough Sets and Intelligent Systems-Professor Zdzisław Pawlak in Memoriam. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2013. 241–261.