Young Turks Club (영턱스클럽), also known as YTC, is a five-member Korean idol group that debuted in 1996. The group was produced by Lee Juno from Seo Taiji and Boys and had Lim Sung-eun, Song Jin-ah, Han Hyun-nam, Ji Joon-goo, and Choi Seung-min as its original members.[1] As the word "turk" means "young dynamic person eager for change", their name Young Turks Club means "a group of active young people eager to change." On July 9, 1996, they made their debut stage on KMTV's Show! Music Tank [ko] with "Peek", the song didn't achieve success and failed to gain interest from the general public. They quickly changed to "Affection" a week later and rose to stardom.[2] Their song "Affection" was their first release to become widely popular in Korea. In a 2023 post by Rolling Stone, the song was ranked number 58 in The 100 Best Korean Pop Songs Of All Time.[3]
^Ahn, Deug-soo (March 12, 2019). 영턱스클럽이란?, 1집 당시 멤버는 투투 출신 임성은, 송진아, 한현남, 지준구...최승민 결혼 [What is Young Turks Club?, The members at the time of the 1st album were Two Two Lim Sung-eun, Song Jin-ah, Han Hyun-nam, Ji Jun-goo... Choi Seung-min married]. Insight Korea. Retrieved 17 August 2022.