November 10, 2023 (2023-11-10) – March 8, 2024 (2024-03-08)
Young David is a Christian five-part animated television miniseries created by Phil Cunningham, based on 1 Samuel featuring the character of the same name, distributed by Angel Studios and produced by Minno with Sunrise Productions and Slingshot Productions. It follows the humble beginnings of young David as a shepherd, a warrior, a musician, and a poet.
The series serves as a prequel for the upcoming animated film, David, set to be released in 2025.[1]
Young David explores the developmental years of young David as a shepherd, as a warrior, as a musician, and as a poet.[1]
Cast and characters
Brandon Engman voices David: A young shepherd from Bethlehem, who plays lyre and composes poetry.
Sloan Muldown voices Zeruiah: The younger sister of David.
David Rosenber voices Doeg: The hostile head shepherd of King Saul.
Edan Moses voices Eliab: The oldest brother of David.
Episodes are released monthly on both Minno and Angel Studios, beginning on November 10, 2023 and ended on March 8, 2024.[2]
The episodes of the series were kept short due to the cost of animation.[3] The series features two original songs from award-winning artist Jonas Myrin.[4] In November 2023, it was announced that Minno would be releasing an illustrated companion picture book. The book would correspond to each episode of the series.[5]