Yggdrasil is a Nordicmusic ensemble based in the Faroe Islands. The band was formed in 1981 by the composer and pianist Kristian Blak, who has written most of the material for the group. From the very beginning, Yggdrasil has included musicians from other countries, having varied musical backgrounds, mainly in jazz, but also in ethnic, folk, rock and classical music.
Most of their works have been created in relation with other forms of art: visual art, poetry, ballet, opera - or in some cases, with nature (concertos in sea caves[1]). The compositions draw ideas and themes from ethnic material from the North Atlantic region, such as Faroese ballads, hymns and rhymes, Inuit songs or Shetland folk music. Improvisation takes a large part in the interpretation and ranges from free and ethno-jazz to classical and world music.
Ravnating (HJF 13, Tutl 1982) - dia show by Philippe Carré
Heygar og Dreygar - folk belief of the Faroe Islands, paper collages from William Heinesen / The Four Towers ballet based on the poem "Barnetegning" by William Heinesen (HJF 15/19, Tutl 1985)
Concerto Grotto - with Faroese nature as a musical partner / Drangar - music written to the "sculpture" in Faroese nature (HJF 33, Tutl 1984 / 1993)
Brøytingar (HJF 21, Tutl 1988) - concept and artworks by Ole Wich