Wolf (American TV series)
Wolf is an American crime drama television series starring Jack Scalia and Nicolas Surovy which aired on CBS from September 13, 1989 to June 28, 1990. It features Scalia as Tony Wolf, a former cop turned private detective, with Surovy as the district attorney who had caused him to be discharged from the force. Joseph Sirola starred as Wolf's father, Sal, who lived on a boat. PlotTony Wolf was a San Francisco policeman who now works as a fisherman and sometime private eye. Originally a narcotics officer for the SFPD, Tony was framed and took the fall as a crooked cop. Drummed off the force, he wandered the world for a couple of years, before finally returning home to The City to make amends with his aging father and to take over the family fishing boat. He has also tried to re-kindle a relationship with Connie, an old flame.[1] Cast
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