What on Earth Have I Done Wrong?! is a 2007 Taiwanese comedy film directed, co-written, and co-produced by Doze Niu, starring himself as struggling film director-producer "Doze Niu", in his feature film debut. Billed as "an honest outlook inside Doze Niu's life and Taiwan's entertainment industry", the low-budget mockumentary was shot mainly home movie-style with little background music. Most of the actors portrayed themselves (or at least satirized versions).
Doze Niu as Doze Niu, film director and owner of the film studio Honto Productions
Janine Chang as Ningning, actress and Niu's live-in girlfriend
Ke Huan-ru as Huan-ru, actress and Ningning's best friend
Chang Ching-chin as Doze Niu's mother (Chang is Niu's real-life mother)
Tsai Hsin-hung as Hsin-hung (Tsai was also the executive producer of this film)
Megan Lin as Megan (Lin was also art director of this film)
Tsang Shu-pei as Pei (Tsang was also editor and production assistant of this film)
Lien Yi-chi as Lien (Lien was also production coordinator of this film)
Ke Yi-sen as Yi-sen (Ke was also script supervisor of this film)
Chen Hsi-sheng as Hsi-sheng
Lee Ying-yi as Ying-yi
Wu Kuei-chun as Wu Kuei-chun, a.k.a. "Turtle", mob boss