Straebel researches and publishes on the history and aesthetics of experimental music and sound art. He is also active in these fields as a composer and performer.
Musikalische Repräsentation geometrischer Objekte in Alvin Luciers Kammermusik, in Alvin Lucier, ed. Ulrich Tadday [=Musik-Konzepte 180/81]. Munich: Edition Text + Kritik 2018. ISBN978-3-86916-650-6.
Volker Straebel and Wilm Thoben: "Alvin Lucier’s ‚Music for Solo Performer" – Experimental Music Beyond Sonification," in Organised Sound 19:1 (April 2014). doi:10.1017/S135577181300037X
"Medienmusik, in Akustische Grundlagen von Musik, ed. by Stefan Weinzierl. Handbuch der systematischen Musikwissenschaft, vol. 5. Laaber: Laaber Verlag 2014. ISBN978-3-89007-699-7.
"Anmerkungen zur Sonifikationsmetapher in der Instrumentalmusik," in Das geschulte Ohr. Eine Kulturgeschichte der Sonifikation, eds. Andi Schoon and Axel Volmar. Bielefeld: Transkript 2012. ISBN978-3-8376-2049-8.
From Reproduction to Performance: Media-Specific Music for Compact Disc, in Leonardo Music Journal 19 (2009). doi:10.1162/lmj.2009.19.23
„Zur frühen Geschichte und Typologie der Klanginstallation,“ in Klangkunst, ed. Ulrich Tadday [=Musik-Konzepte, special issue]. München: Edition Text + Kritik 2008. ISBN978-3-88377-953-9.
„Technological implications of Phill Niblock’s drone music, derived from analytical observations of selected works for cello and string quartet on tape,“ in Organised Sound 13:3 (Dec. 2008). doi:10.1017/S1355771808000320; in deutscher Übersetzung: „Akustische Geographie. Komposition und Technologie in Phill Niblocks Drone-Musik,“ in: MusikTexte 132 (2012)
Chromatisch (8 Oktaven über 1/8 Hz), digital audio (silent), 2018. Released on Segmod, CD Dumpf Edition #12, Zürich 2019
101 W 18th St. (Sound Observation #8), sound installation, five channel digital audio, 2011/12. Group exhibition “Membra Disjecta for John Cage – Wanting to Say Something About John,” Freiraum Quartier21 International, MuseumsQuartier Vienna 2012
"Every promise of the soul has innumerable fulfilments." Emerson attributes, for speaker and two-channel digital audio, 2010. The Wulf, Los Angeles
Centre and Grand. Sound Observation #5, live diffusion of four-channel digital audio, 2010. Experimental Intermedia, New York
Hegenbart/Straebel: 09-11-1938, sound installation in commemoration of “Kristallnacht”, 2008. Collegium Hungaricum, Berlin. In collaboration with Boris Hegenbart
Guben, 1625, four-channel digital audio, 2001, Mex im Künstlerhaus Dortmund
Mikado, solo performance with four-channel amplification, 1995. Freunde Guter Musik, Berlin
John Cage: Song Books with Concert for Piano and Orchestra, opening production of MaerzMusik 2012, Berlin. Joan La Barbara, artistic direction; Ne(x)tworks; Die Maulwerker; Volker Straebel, scenic dramaturgy; Martin Supper, sound direction; Harald Frings, light design[5]
John Cage: Aachen Musicircus on Europeras with Europera 4and Fontana Mix, composed realization by Volker Straebel, directed by Ludger Engels. Commissioned by Theater Aachen, 2006[6]
John Cage: Urban Circus on Berlin Alexanderplatz, realization of Circus on based on Berlin Alexanderplatz by Alfred Döblin for speaker and 48-channel tape, 2001. Commissioned by Ultraschall Festival, Sender Freies Berlin, Berlin. Premiered by Hanns Zischler[7]