He studied pharmaceutical chemistry and medicine at the University of Modena, earning his doctorate in 1882.[1] He was head of the histology laboratory at the psychiatric hospital of Reggio Emilia, and later director of the primary medical hospital in Iesi.[2]
Nota preventiva sulla fina anatomia dei corpi striati. Communicata all'Academia di Medicina di Torino, 1883 - Nota preventiva on fine anatomy of the corpus striatum. Communication of the Academy of Medicine of Turin.
Sulle degenerazioni discendenti consecutive a lesioni sperimentali in diverse zone della corteccia cerebrale. (with Giovanni Algeri), 1888 - On degenerative descending consecutive lesions of the cerebral cortex.
Sull' origine e decorso dei peduncoli cerebellari e sui loro rapporti cogli altri centri nervosi, 1891 - The origin and paths of cerebellar peduncles and their relationships with other nerve centers.[5]