Vampire Hunter D: American Wasteland
Vampire Hunter D: American Wasteland is a comic book mini-series based on the popular Vampire Hunter D franchise, set to be published by Devil's Due Publishing. The series was announced in July 2008, but was confirmed to be cancelled at the 2009 Long Beach Comic Con, as a result of creative differences between Devil's Due and the license holders.[1] The story would have followed the typical Vampire Hunter D set-up and remained true to the mythos, but with a "noticeably North American feel."[2][3] It was to be written by Jimmy Palmiotti.[4] StoryThe plot of American Wasteland was for the first time to see the titular Vampire Hunter D arrive on the shores of America, a land where the vampiric Nobility persists, uninterrupted by those who seek to destroy them. There, D would have embarked on a journey inland while bringing their menace to an end. References
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