VII Riigikogu

Joint picture of the composition of the VII Riigikogu, March 1 1995

VII Riigikogu was the seventh legislature of the Estonian Parliament (Riigikogu). The legislature was elected after 1992 election,[1] the first after the Estonian Restoration of Independence.[2]

Election results


List Votes % Seats
Alliance Isamaa 100 828 22,00% 29
Alliance Kindel Kodu 62 329 13,60% 17
Alliance Rahvarinne 56 124 12,25% 15
Alliance Mõõdukad 44 577 9,73% 12
Estonian National Independence Party (ERSP) 40 260 8,79% 10
Alliance Independent Royalist Party of Estonia 32 638 7,12% 8
Alliance Eesti Kodanik 31 553 6,89% 8
Alliance Rohelised 12 009 2,62% 1 (person mandate)
Eesti Ettevõtjate Erakond 10 946 2,39% 1 (person mandate)


Speaker of the Riigikogu: Ülo Nugis. Deputy Speakers of the Riigikogu: Tunne Kelam, Edgar Savisaar

List of members of the Riigikogu


  1. ^ a b "Varasemad valimised - Arhiiv - Vabariigi Valimiskomisjon". Retrieved 11 February 2021.
  2. ^ "Members of first Riigikogu to follow independence restoration reunite". ERR. 2022-10-06. Retrieved 2022-10-06.