User talk:RomaniaYour username has been blocked indefinitely because it is either inappropriate or too similar to an existing username (see our blocking policy for more information). You are encouraged to create a new account and contribute to Wikipedia under a more appropriate username, and in a constructive manner. See Wikipedia:Username for guidance on selecting an appropriate username. You may also edit Wikipedia without creating an account. You are not allowed to edit Wikipedia under an inappropriate username. If you would like to discuss the block, you may edit your talk page or email the administrator who blocked you. Due to Wikipedia's mechanism for enforcing name changes, your IP address may be temporarily blocked. Unless you have also been engaging in vandalism or impersonation of another user, we will remove that block as soon as possible—if this doesn't happen within an hour or so, please email an administrator and explain the situation (see the list of administrators). If you want to keep the contributions from your old account for your new one, leave a note on Wikipedia:Changing username. This can only be done before you create the new one. If you wish to create a new username, please visit Wikipedia:Changing username for information. pschemp | talk 19:47, 12 April 2006 (UTC) I don't want to change my name. I think is so cool to have this user name.Romania 19:51, 12 April 2006 (UTC) I want to be unblocked to be able to edit in the future with this user name. Romania 19:54, 12 April 2006 (UTC)
Hmm... what about:
Either you block them all, either you unblock me now. Romania 21:07, 12 April 2006 (UTC)
RomaniansSalut. mersi in primul rand de a ne sustine ce afirmam, pt ca stim toti (ma rog, aproape), cat de numeroasa este diapora romaneasca. Dupa parerea mea in lume diaspora romana este intre 14 si 16 mil. Asta ar insemna in jur de 33-35 mil in total. Uite concluziile cifrelor care le-am vazut. U.S.A: 1.5-1.7 mil, Canada:400-500,000, Australia:50,000, Brazilia:100,000, Restul Americilor:100,000. Franta:500,000, Italia:1,300,000, Spania:1,050,000, Germania:400,000 si Ukraina:500,000(Moldovenii si Romanii sunt aceealasi grup etnic). Dupa aceea comunitati mai mici, South Africa:20,000, Japonia:10,000, Noua Zeelanda:10,000. Am gasit deja o grmada de surse cu care pot sa le dovedesc adevarul. daca ai primit mesajul, te rog raspunde-mi. Toate cele bune, NorbertArthur 12 Aprilie 2006
NorbertArthur 12 April 2006
Iară tu aici mă? --Iasi 06:26, 13 April 2006 (UTC)
Do you like so much to stick in all? You don't help them you just bla-bla...--Iasi 06:29, 13 April 2006 (UTC)
Another bla-bla...from you,,,06:36, 13 April 2006 (UTC)
NorbertArthur 13 Aprilie 2006 Te rog frumos Norbert. Roagă un admin pe care îl cunoşti. Vezi bine că avem şi prieteni şi duşmani. --Romania 20:24, 13 April 2006 (UTC) I-ai spus foarte bine la Alex. Nu cred că va înţelege deşi ştie româna. E un prostălău. Să vină cu dovezi boul ăla. --Romania 20:27, 13 April 2006 (UTC)