User talk:Kethrus/Archive/2021/August
Thank YouI will just not log in again...It would be nice if you could take those other measures that you mentioned. Believe it or not, some of us artistic types have no aptitude or interest in coding of any kind and find the whole process laborious and unnecessarily complex. Even the slightest amount makes some of us shudder...I have no idea why it is that this site insists on using this largely outdated mode of information. Surely there would exist a means by which a simple word process could be used and then converted without everyone having to struggle through basic HTML or whatever. Just because people don't know how to use this, does not mean that they are less intelligent or informed, it just means in many cases that they really don't value the knowledge of it. Wikipedia is pretty much a community of people in the IT industry as a result, and not, as it was intended to be in my view; an encyclopedia for everyone. Goodbye and Good Luck. --XadrikXu (talk) 11:26, 4 November 2015 (UTC)