User talk:JulzesThis editor is returning to being primarily a reader without edits on English Wikipedia for an extended period. There will be some effort made to ensure against vandalism to any page I look at and I will be checking on ones I have worked on, but other than that I am primarily interested in developing English-to-other-language translation skills where Wikipedia and all other things are concerned. I will be looking at Simple English Wikipedia (at least at first to see if it is a worthwhile avenue for some significant population I am proper to address), Spanish and languages I have already put at least a smidgen of time into first. I have not been driven off, if somebody feels a try at a corrective backfired. The following remains because I am still not very well informed about how things work here, and because I hope some non-editors may find it to be a good quick-starter for themJulzes (talk) 11:46, 15 June 2012 (UTC) As of recently, this break has been reversed for a time. I am currently committed to two English-language topics at a high enough level to post this change. Reminder, though, that it is my intention to focus on translation-type--mostly learning myself--and not editing here much. If anyone has a need for some simple assistance in Tagalog translation, I may have contact to do some. I can also take a look myself at serious needs in French and Russian, but probably will not be of much use right now. A contact in Spanish and my own responsibilities there might or might not quickly be of use, as well; but, as I said, I am primarily a learner and not an editor here.Julzes (talk) 05:40, 14 September 2012 (UTC) New action at (talk) 19:38, 27 March 2018 (UTC) Poet['Schwahs']Slankb version 0.0 Do me no favors; I'll tell you no lies. All White Female Psychiatrists Die. Where is my phone, how, and why? See Haiku Thread at rational skepticism. I'm trying to do an 8:05 tonight.Julzes (talk) 15:53, 22 November 2013 (UTC)
Generally, conversations about editing wikipedia are welcome here. However, editors, administrators and all others who make remarks to this page should expect that what has been said here will eventually become viewable only through the history and not through archiving unless I deem its permanent easy viewing preferable. Another object whose permanent easy viewing I think is possibly of value in assessing here on my terms is this page's history. Seeing my contributions to editing articles has some limited value, but is mostly non-topical with some major exceptions. 13!=210*35*52*7*11*13=(250+6)*(250-7)*100100=6227020800I still think this is rater esthetic. It derives from my strange history of having wanted the value and miscalculated in a strange way. We will be better organized when the Earth's population is back close to this value. I believe there should be a freeze eventually at exactly 13!+13240*8!+1. The value comes from my strange miscalculation and from the birth of a certain pair of twins. The Miracle SchemeThis was written down quickly in early June of 2005 after it was determined that the carrying capacity of Earth is about the above number~. The full vision entails actual biological immortality, a surplus of many groupings of 8!=40320 people which each leave Earth for distant regions of the Milky Way in spacecraft beyond our imagining at a time far in the future, and numerous other details.
Julzes (talk) 22:40, 14 January 2010 (UTC) ~This is by my assessment, though some may believe that a more crowded world is inevitable and desirable. I doubt either. I also doubt we can go anywhere else soon, and this is something true experts will generally agree with me on. All sorts of convolutions on engineering are required for practical interstellar flight.Julzes (talk) 16:40, 13 May 2012 (UTC) Those who may disagree about this may treat my statement as a faith or no-faith statement on 'expertise' and 'engineering' now and in the 'near future'.Julzes (talk) 22:03, 25 June 2012 (UTC) I love base-10 coincidencesFound as the result of a family birthday coincidence:
The largest perfect power using no digit twice: The number of squares like that (not including 1):
: A) The smallest 7-digit palindrome in three different bases (also in bases 9 and 11), and B) The eighth base-ten palindrome that is a sum of all composite numbers to a certain point. 33633 is sixth on the list of B. [Note: Only the palindromicity in base 9 and the whole of the coincidence is my discovery.]
Almost a concatenation of two base-10 5-palindromes! First base for its palindromicity:
And just minutes before that I posted the following conjecture at the Mathematics Reference Desk: For any prime p>3, among all n>1 the ratio of the largest and smallest prime factors of np+1 is least for n no greater than 4, with the sole exception of n=7 for p=43. This came about from a query of mine about 1001 (number). Here's a conjecture new here: With p=2 and 3 the record setters for this ratio limited to cases that don't give ratio 1 (These are n2+1=prime and 23+1=32) always have 2 and 3 distinct prime factors, respectively. This required re-wording to handle the anomalous case , unique I sort of guess. [Note: shows the first conjecture to be false.]
is the first number that can be used as a base in which 21, 321, 4321, 54321, and 654321 are all prime, with 7654321 also prime. This number is II0I1000 if you think in base 3. has the the smallest digit sum among all 7-digit numbers like in the above base. Like a lot that isn't mentioned, my father was born on 3 January 1942. Read from base ten, this number is in base 36, then if you transfer back to base ten you get the palindrome in base 136. 1001 is the 136th sphenic number.
The sequence has so many primes in its early part that x=10 far outstrips all small numbers with regards to simultaneous primality of x2n+xn-1. I either discovered or rediscovered that 100 is the smallest number for which the concatenation of decremented numbers in sequence produces four primes somewhere in the sequence. I either discovered or rediscovered that 1000 is the first number that gives three primes in the quickest way (1000999, 1000999998997, and 1000999998997996995994993 are prime, and 10 is actually the first number giving two primes the quickest way). Thanks go to another user for helping me with research showing just the degree to which the first part is strange.
Here is an enormous example--with a temporal twist to it--arrived at since this was originally written: If you consider interbase conversions of numbers (translation of a number to the number with the same representation in one base of notation to the value in a different--generally larger--one), the 4th prime that translates twice in conversion from base 2 to base 10 as primes and also twice in conversion from base 3 to base 10 as primes is the first to translate once in conversion to base 4 to base 10 as a prime and the 44th is the first to do it twice. Moreover, the leading digits of both of these (4th and 44th in sequence) are 234 and the coincidence was discovered in between the 234th and 235th anniversaries of the USA as a nation. An incidental additional small coincidence is that the 10th term in the sequence leads with 365. The 4th term in the sequence (the first to translate once from base 4) also translates twice from base 5 and then aside from the tautology in base 10 it does not translate as a prime from any base until base 20 (allowing for larger-to-smaller base translations in a canonical way), at which point it translates 4 times in succession as a prime (the last translation resulting in what is now the next prime year of 2017). Next bases for which translation to primes occur are 22 and 25, at both of which there are 2 translations. One of a great many I have discovered since putting this page together that is cute but not huge is that the product of the 20th through 22nd primes (the 2-digit ones with leading digit 7) is equal to the concatenation of the 80th and 88th (left-to-right). The most recent discovery that qualifies as a bit of a coincidence is that of all zeroless 3-digit numbers, 3 of the 4 that give more than 10 primes under 1000 digits in length by adding equal-length strings of 0s between its 2 pairs of neighboring digits are the primes 113 (with 3 more than any other at 16 including itself), 131 (12) and 311 (13), the 4th being the composite 493 (13, or actually one more than 311 if the number itself is not counted). Here is a very nice one that I had to do some investigative work to reconstruct because I had submitted a curio under the wrong number. 29283031, the concatenation of numbers from the 2nd perfect number through the 5th iterate of the prime() function with a swap of the first two, equals 101*383*757, and these 3 prime factors are the only 3-digit palindromic ones of form k+prime(k). Here is a new and particularly unusual example. The cubic polynomial that satisfies P(1)=2, P(2)=3, P(3)=5 and P(4)=7 has real root 7.444147... and real part of its pair of complex roots 0.777...[other digits, not just 7s]. The first multidigit prime in the former number (without decimal point) is 74441, and 14447 is prime as well(making a pair of emirps). The first of these is the 7343rd prime and the second is the 1694th, 7343 being 7*1049 and 1694 being 7*242. The smaller one is also the 420th emirp and 294th lesser emirp (420=60*7 and 294=6*(7^2)). The first 49=7^2 digits of the 0.777... number form a sphenic number with all three prime factors having three 7s in their digits and a remarkably small ratio between the largest and smallest ones. That ratio to 2 significant figures: 7.7!!! Actually, I noticed later that to 7 digits it is nicer: 7.670000 (More precisely still it reads 7.66999981...). Just (March 10th of 2012) re-discovered a beautiful fact on primes similar to my earliest starting point on the theme (At PrimeHunter's talk page (now archived)). The largest number with prime(d) digits d for each d from 1 through 9 (and no 0s) is prime. 100 digits. May be found at the curios site. Aside from in analogy in binary, it is almost certain no other base has the analogue prime, and I tested this and the smallest rather than largest and with one 0 in both cases (but with 0 between the two 1s) through large bases. This is one cute one that I will give more details on later: The only concatenations (in base 10) of the first k>1 primes to be a product of k distinct primes, at least through k=12, are ten values (11 concatenations because 2 of them have '23' in them in two places) for k=10. Here are those details (The 10 concatenations given by increasing values, separating primes in concatenation by spaces (plus an asterisk on the one example in which '2 3' and '23' might be switched), with the factorizations and then the 'alphabetical' position of the factorization in parentheses):
[Insert submission (yesterday's) on 169] Pseudo-mathematics: Is there a 'best' way to write the equation 5!+72=132? There are 4 ways to go with the 4 primes showing. [Not sure about 'to go with' being accurate selfquote] IPCCNote: I have removed and modified chat here. See history if interested.Julzes (talk) 22:05, 25 June 2012 (UTC) Added note on nothing here that happened same time my time zone yesterday. This is a non-wikipedia note to self or cognoscenti.Julzes (talk) 22:09, 25 June 2012 (UTC) I retain what is in this section because of its overarching importance. Please read up on how the IPCC works. Wikipedia:General sanctions/Climate change probation Public opinion on climate change Climate change opinion by countryJulzes (talk) 01:12, 8 September 2010 (UTC) Your submission at Articles for creationI noticed your submission in Articles for creation, Wikipedia talk:Articles for creation/Brilliant number. Thanks! It will be reviewed by a volunteer soon. It has been templated as a draft, and if somebody else would finish I would not touch the article directly.Julzes (talk) 21:12, 14 April 2012 (UTC) I probably will need to leave it as is for another several weeks, at the very least. I need private access to a computer in order to devote significant time to editing, and I lack that for the time being.Julzes (talk) 16:59, 13 May 2012 (UTC) Did I do 0, 1, 2 or more things wrong in taking the word 'faceoff' from hockey and looking at it to get the Home_prime sequence of it as a hexadecimal number through a point where the first 3 prime factors are 71, 241 and 10301? The number I got by hand computation was 262220031. I also started a modified homeprime sequence with this number first, by concatenating to the last term of the sequence, for a little while, but no go while out trying to get a light. Kind of funny day. Have no idea what in this reminded me of something I said above. Time to go back where I live.Julzes (talk) 01:06, 16 April 2012 (UTC) That's next day, so I might as well see Main Page.
Complete this sentence the 'best' way: "I got lucky hanging hartshorn ..." [Added on blanking insert edit. Idea last Saturday (1 week).]
Neo-definition: A fuzzy 23 years for human lives and between a third and half of that for cultural transitions in post-traditional times, circumstances and/or environs.
If you want to figure out what this problem might be, as a challenge, it is not difficult. Simply find the right entry on the prime curios website under 17 and create a problem related to it. If you would prefer trying to do that, do not read the following until after your attempt. The number 71 translates by substituting digits in one base representation into another (to get a different number) as a prime 17 ways from the 36 different pairs of smaller (first) base and larger (second) base with the larger running from 3 to 10 and the smaller running from 2 to one less than the larger (36 being the 8th triangular number). The curio I submitted (and have asked corrected) states this is likely a permanent record (with no number translating 18 or more ways). The problem is to find a number that does translate 18 (half) or more ways as a prime, or at least to give some indication of the first such number's likely size.
FavoritesThis section is in remembrance of an old friend who jokingly said of this, that, and another movie that they were his favorite. It is 'fluxable' & am not re-reading all in pace.
Restoration of this section to its full size on July 23rd was prompted partly by passing the tombstone of somebody else with this person's surname (and I just happened to turn to my left to see it on a far left after having passed another smoker while smoking) on a long walk. I was going to displace DME to near prezygapophysis, but lightening up I tried to normalize MDJ's car horn.
Chess name: Miles
2-letter word: Fa ('end of first half', quirky abbreviation of 'far' in Do-Re-Mi, the song sung by Julie Andrews in The Sound of Music). Reconsidered, So through Do too (equal).
Pair: 4 and 9
Start of book: Past the beginning of ch.1 of ISBN# 0-19-506511-5
Concept: Home
Person not to quote as knowing everything: Albert Einstein
Way to end four things at the same time: [This, chess, smoking, today] Epic Fail
Simple math problem: How many 5-digit numbers contain each of the digits 0 through 4?
Silly thing I do that requires me to own a computer: Suppose I want to know if it might be a good idea for somebody named Ag Cae to marry a public or at least more established person named Ob Gg (Assume such a surname exists). Then I will want to do this: 1731515277=3*19*2713*11197, 319271311197=3*3*281*3323*37991, 33281332337991=3*11093777445997, 311093777445997=7*13*103123*33150829, 71310312333150829=43*449*300137*12306031, 4344930013712306031=3*3*13*190160891*195288073, etc., looking for more than normal coincidental stuff in the digits. Date of year: November 19 [but just today]
Collectible: W Y L T K
Reason for me to leave the primarily English-speaking world: Feeling some need to overcompensate for insanity around me and then pull back. 2nd reason: To show I can.
If somebody would like to pursue the option of equivalency between a country and a university, this is the right size. I may well do that. Half is a brainiac.
The asterisk, *, is to remark here that there is no wikipedia page on the verb happen. Try Wiktionary. ! The name 'Pringle' coincidence today and a 3-minute "clocklook": Above is mention to origami. I had earlier today developed the intention to adjust this above remark to say that the original idea was more of a Pringle-style potato-chip packing of mirrors--positioned robotically (in space)--for a massive solar furnace (here). The book I picked up upstairs (3rd floor) while at this library has preface on who had had the first job of editing a book, eventually done by a person name starting C. I don't want to give full details immediately, because I would actually like to read it (and not have it removed). It does follow after a nice curio submission on 32 (number) involving tetration. I cannot do this verbatim, and should probably either re-submit or declare that Dr. Honaker should do a re-edit if I mis-sent my meaning (might be too foggy to have done right, and I should have found time to write it (short) down--i suspect i left out about superscripting/elevation)). Anyway, it was that half of 32 is the tetration of the second digit by the first and that the reversal is a prime indexed by exponentiation of the first by the second, with note of role-reversal of primes. Note: Pringle is a brand name, and my closest association with the food industry on a national scale was to a surname of a competing brand. I swear, if there is a conflict of interest I don't now know it, as that is a dead relationship of a professional nature that I found unpleasant (So, neither to a brand nor to a commodity industry). *******************Worst denominator, as relating to an above, is 6. #s-4 and -5
2012 is the year 149 years after the Baha'i Faith's founding and the middle year of the United States of America's civil war and Abraham Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation. I just submitted the following last night to Prime Curios under 4 (possibly a paraphrase): While 1+2*3^4 is a prime with sum of digits equal to the trianglular number of our digits 10=1+2+3+4, p1+p2*p3^p4 has sum of digits 26 and factors as p52*p6*pp3*p4 and has middle digit 4.Julzes (talk) 22:44, 2 May 2012 (UTC) Immediately following the 149th line (59th on 2nd of 2 columns) on the 149th page of the 4th, 2002, edition of The American Heritage Dictionary is its entry on black magic. Running from the 35th line, 35 the index of 149 as a prime, through the 43rd, the prime of index 14 or 40% of the way to 149, is the entry for Black English (with a usage note). 61=7#-149 and is the 18th prime. On the 61st page of the same volume (whose acronym is an anagram for chad, by the way), the 42nd line (61-19) starts the entry for antichrist with line 47, the last line of the entry (and my age, the 15th prime) reads "Kristos, Christ; see CHRIST.]." The 61st line itself there is the entry for anticipation and it runs with its derivative anticipative through line 67. Line 71 is anticlimax. Line 83, the 23rd prime about which I today submitted a prime curio with Maurice Sendak's death in mind (Where the Wild Things Are to me), is the entry on anticlockwise. Line 94, a special number in relation to the year 1981, is the entry for anticompetitive, a part of my philosophy in a way, with line 97 in the middle of the next entry on anticonvulsant reading "prevents or relieves convulsions." [then followed by its derivative adjective]. Line 99 is Anticosti, line 101 is the start of anticyclone, line 103 begins with the words 'clockwise in the Northern Hemisphere', line 105 is antidepressant, and so on. By the way, antibusiness is line 19. And the very last line is Antigua and Barbuda, where an important friend calling herself Reno in 2000 was from. The expression "Challenge advanced pawn bases!" is, without exclamation point, the heading of page 61 of Larry Evans's New Ideas In Chess (in its 1994 Dover Publications edition). With value for an exclamation point derived from God damn it! being asked to be prime with the first value over 26 and letter-position concatenation, this sub-chapter heading is prime. Just off the last, the page-40 heading with exclamation point added and the leading words Try to removed is Repair isolated pawns! This is not at all prime. It factors as 7*11*163*4967*9067483*32756118482380031, with numbers of digits in the primes being 1, 2, 3, 4, p4=7, and p7=17. 163=1+2*3^4 is of just recent note to me. The sum of the divisors leads with the 6 digits 232314, 2314 being a number of known consternation in the past couple of days to me to a few people; and ends with the 6 digits 669696. Rules -6, -7, -8 & -9
The Chorus Asks ......Is the rim of that vase you got repaired really 32 centimeters from its base? Don't LoafSoon to appear. Hint: Can and should, Can and should not, Can not. Adding this about marriage for 2/3, in my mind. I have reason to believe I forgot much else. I'll just resolve this (for an indefinite time) by saying that the first case would only be off the table for decades, it concerns the mother of somebody who gave one of her daughters a famous author's name, and it is a question limited to marriage. I don't know if she is still alive. Seemed well last I saw, but I really have no idea the impact of my rejection or what else was going on. (talk) 10:32, 30 June 2012 (UTC) BlockingI've decided to block you for edit warring at Dark Side of the Moon; you made well over 3 reverts. I've blocked you for 24 hours. You are welcome to appeal through the standard procedures. --Rschen7754 23:37, 12 June 2012 (UTC)
Some find it......below the belt.
See Russian language.Julzes (talk) 16:18, 14 June 2012 (UTC) Your accusationsWhy are you accusing me of class warfare? [1] I will not remove the edit filter just because you can't add phrases commonly used to abuse other editors to your own userpage while logged out. If I were to remove the filter, it would just cause other users' userpages get vandalized far more often. Additionally, you were able to log in under your main account a mere 28 minutes later, so I do not understand what your complaint is about. Thanks. Reaper Eternal (talk) 20:38, 15 June 2012 (UTC)
Talk page removalYes, I have looked at both the talk and user space guidelines. I don't want to be revert warring, so I'm not going to remove the content for the second time; but please note that use of Wikipedia pages as a discussion board/blog is frowned upon. (As I had said, it would have been more suited to an off-site blog.) - Mike Rosoft (talk) 19:47, 16 June 2012 (UTC) Broken codeDetails elsewhere. Not today. Showed as, for starters, 7*5669*49613*106213*1005071*66632017*96624929*P14[leading with 19333668]*P47, relating to sentence about age 47.
I should quickly meet the person I want to somewhat before 4.5 hrs. before my 47th. FAIL! Alphabetical positions plus 59 in place of periods gives. Sentence may be slightly off.[This is Julzes (now, but no guarantee I won't suffer a violation)] (talk) 11:04, 9 July 2012 (UTC) Value is 27 in code. Based on P!NK. Note: This section is the 5th iterate of the nth-prime function of 1 (currently).
Well, this one is something else, so it's in a separate section. 23 raised to the 23rd power has a prime number of copies of each digit from 0 through 9. As far as I have found as yet, the only p^q of the kind with a reasonably small prime p and necessarily fairly large prime q--aside from this one where p=q--is 347^13. This itself is cute, 347 being the 69th prime (69=3*23) and 347+13 being 360. The counts of digits are also limited to prime factors of this sum. I have also, in listing, 17^25 making 17 the first prime that seems to have any such power (likely), 12^39 making 12 probably the first number to do so, 69636^4 the smallest of power higher than 2, 10005835517^2 the smallest power of a prime, 3164252736^2 the smallest such number without limitations, 55853^40 the answer to what is next after 12^39 (12 being unique for 39), and 11 seeming to be the first example to probably never even have a power coming up one digit short of all being counted a prime number of times (10, of course, excluded). The search that turned up 347^13 is sparsely populated, but the four other numbers that come from a prime base are not with me. Two of them take exponent 15, and one of these is 151. The first is 103^21, and some other has exponent 10. But it seems stalled there. This ultimately began as a search on powers of 2, and 2 raised to the 88th, 104th, 113th, 114th, 120th and 141st powers come up one digit short; then there are (after these) 146, 150, 156, 190, 214 and 444 as apparently the only remaining to produce prime counts for 8 digits when used as exponents on 2; and then it looks like after those there may be precisely 20 exponents that give prime counts to 7 of the 10 digits, but the jury is still out on whether 2^42158 is really the largest of these powers of 2 before there can be no more than 6 digits counted a prime number of times. For powers of other smaller values, just one exponent works for each to give 9 digits counted a prime number of times: 3^92, 5^50, 6^43 and 7^29 are such and appear not to be followed up. Indeed, it seems that only 3^112 after the one just given has 8 digits counted a prime number of times.Julzes (talk) 00:59, 28 August 2012 (UTC) Well, the density of perfect powers and the density of numbers with prime counts of all digits are both zero, so there will be a last--largest--correspondence. In fact, there should be a last that has even one digit counted a prime number of times, though it would be enormous. The list I was referring to has first term after 17^25 and 23^23 of 103^21, btw. There was a gap in the bases, but numbers continue to come in. The largest I believe I have found is 2029^17, so it's probable that my search through exponents of 1000 is stupid. 1019^7 shows up. Not having looked at details, this may be a good candidate for smallest of the type other than squares of primes.Julzes (talk) 10:26, 28 August 2012 (UTC) New edit: The comment on 2^42158 has been surpassed many times now, with progress going beyond an exponent of 200000. There have been several more values with the power having 7 digits counted a prime number of times. None since early on with 8 or more yet, though. Heuristically, there are infinitely many such powers with all 10 digits counted a prime number of times. Whether one will ever be found (by anyone ever) is in doubt, though.Julzes (talk) 17:44, 4 October 2012 (UTC) Favorite FavoriteWhat's wrong with a monopoly in charities? I don't know; I have not thought much about this one. Domestically in the United States of America, I think it would be ideal if all charitable giving--absolutely all--went to The Fresh Air Fund. At least if it could be ascertained that no corruption was already set in the management of the fund. This would create the conditions for a lot of urban reconstruction and consideration for what needs to change that has not been already been done. If this sounds 4th-gradish, it's a lot about being tired. It's still (feeling to me) correct. I was reminded of this in a talk yesterday. On a bench. Just some guy wearing some kind of ivory-looking bracelet with Sanskrit writing whose girlfriend is from South Africa. I've been meaning to say something somewhere. This is it for now. (talk) 11:32, 12 September 2012 (UTC)Julzes (talk) 17:30, 12 September 2012 (UTC) Maybe right arm I need 'DeStump'Julzes (talk) 23:54, 12 March 2013 (UTC) Julzes (talk) 23:54, 12 March 2013 (UTC) Hi there, I'm HasteurBot. I just wanted to let you know that Wikipedia talk:Articles for creation/Brilliant number, a page you created has not been edited in at least 180 days. The Articles for Creation space is not an indefinite storage location for content that is not appropriate for articlespace. If your submission is not edited soon, it could be nominated for deletion. If you would like to attempt to save it, you will need to improve it. You may request Userfication of the content if it meets requirements. If the deletion has already occured, instructions on how you may be able to retrieve it are available at WP:REFUND/G13. Thank you for your attention. HasteurBot (talk) 19:12, 18 August 2013 (UTC)
There is apparently a card-game of some popularity by this name in my area, though not seen anybody play it. Ran into young lady wearing Shippencourt U. shirt right after discussing (Have some contest results from similar name college way back), and she claims to know (though no contact other than this here message). If anybody, her or otherwise and knowing where I am knows, I will be here for a short while continuously and off and on after for a while yet.Julzes (talk) 16:48, 7 April 2014 (UTC) Hi there, I'm HasteurBot. I just wanted to let you know that Wikipedia talk:Articles for creation/Brilliant number, a page you created, has not been edited in 6 months. The Articles for Creation space is not an indefinite storage location for content that is not appropriate for articlespace. If your submission is not edited soon, it could be nominated for deletion. If you would like to attempt to save it, you will need to improve it. You may request Userfication of the content if it meets requirements. If the deletion has already occured, instructions on how you may be able to retrieve it are available at WP:REFUND/G13. Thank you for your attention. HasteurBot (talk) 01:30, 24 May 2014 (UTC) Hi there, I'm HasteurBot. I just wanted to let you know that Wikipedia talk:Articles for creation/Brilliant number, a page you created, has not been edited in 6 months. The Articles for Creation space is not an indefinite storage location for content that is not appropriate for articlespace. If your submission is not edited soon, it could be nominated for deletion. If you would like to attempt to save it, you will need to improve it. You may request Userfication of the content if it meets requirements. If the deletion has already occured, instructions on how you may be able to retrieve it are available at WP:REFUND/G13. Thank you for your attention. HasteurBot (talk) 01:31, 27 May 2014 (UTC) Your draft article, Wikipedia talk:Articles for creation/Brilliant numberHello Julzes. It has been over six months since you last edited your WP:AFC draft article submission, entitled "Brilliant number". The page will shortly be deleted. If you plan on editing the page to address the issues raised when it was declined and resubmit it, simply If your submission has already been deleted by the time you get there, and you want to retrieve it, copy this code: Thanks for your submission to Wikipedia, and happy editing. HasteurBot (talk) 02:01, 26 June 2014 (UTC) Hi, Hi, ArbCom Elections 2016: Voting now open!Hello, Julzes. Voting in the 2016 Arbitration Committee elections is open from Monday, 00:00, 21 November through Sunday, 23:59, 4 December to all unblocked users who have registered an account before Wednesday, 00:00, 28 October 2016 and have made at least 150 mainspace edits before Sunday, 00:00, 1 November 2016. The Arbitration Committee is the panel of editors responsible for conducting the Wikipedia arbitration process. It has the authority to impose binding solutions to disputes between editors, primarily for serious conduct disputes the community has been unable to resolve. This includes the authority to impose site bans, topic bans, editing restrictions, and other measures needed to maintain our editing environment. The arbitration policy describes the Committee's roles and responsibilities in greater detail. If you wish to participate in the 2016 election, please review the candidates' statements and submit your choices on the voting page. MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 22:08, 21 November 2016 (UTC) ArbCom 2017 election voter messageHello, Julzes. Voting in the 2017 Arbitration Committee elections is now open until 23.59 on Sunday, 10 December. All users who registered an account before Saturday, 28 October 2017, made at least 150 mainspace edits before Wednesday, 1 November 2017 and are not currently blocked are eligible to vote. Users with alternate accounts may only vote once. The Arbitration Committee is the panel of editors responsible for conducting the Wikipedia arbitration process. It has the authority to impose binding solutions to disputes between editors, primarily for serious conduct disputes the community has been unable to resolve. This includes the authority to impose site bans, topic bans, editing restrictions, and other measures needed to maintain our editing environment. The arbitration policy describes the Committee's roles and responsibilities in greater detail. If you wish to participate in the 2017 election, please review the candidates and submit your choices on the voting page. MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 18:42, 3 December 2017 (UTC) ArbCom 2018 election voter messageHello, Julzes. Voting in the 2018 Arbitration Committee elections is now open until 23.59 on Sunday, 3 December. All users who registered an account before Sunday, 28 October 2018, made at least 150 mainspace edits before Thursday, 1 November 2018 and are not currently blocked are eligible to vote. Users with alternate accounts may only vote once. The Arbitration Committee is the panel of editors responsible for conducting the Wikipedia arbitration process. It has the authority to impose binding solutions to disputes between editors, primarily for serious conduct disputes the community has been unable to resolve. This includes the authority to impose site bans, topic bans, editing restrictions, and other measures needed to maintain our editing environment. The arbitration policy describes the Committee's roles and responsibilities in greater detail. If you wish to participate in the 2018 election, please review the candidates and submit your choices on the voting page. MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 18:42, 19 November 2018 (UTC) |