User talk:EDOrtTalk page created by EDOrt for THEA7213 Preliminary BibliographyHi, EDOrt! Your bib looks great, especially the quality of your sources. Your command of MLA style is pretty good; note, however, that MLA specifies you should abbreviate the very common words "university" and "press" as U and P; for example "Oxford UP" instead of "Oxford University Press." In general, MLA is about brevity--whenever possible, the system tries to provide you (and the reader) with shortcuts (almost "code") that allows you to write short but reader-friendly citations, both in your Works Cited and parenthetical citations. If you have any questions, let me know, but it looks like you're off to a terrific, strong start. Happy researching! Amy E Hughes (talk) 15:01, 12 February 2015 (UTC) |