User talk:ChaosnameBannedPersuant to community consensus you have been officially banned from Wikipedia. If you would like to be unbanned, please contact the Arbitration Committee as described at WP:BASC. --Jayron32 13:07, 22 July 2011 (UTC) ArbCom unblock appealThe Arbitration Committee has carefully considered your appeal and has declined to unblock at this time. You may re-apply to have your ban reviewed again in six-months' time. There is no automatic entitlement to an unban, however, so you will need to provide us with good reasons why we should do so. Additionally, we would expect to see evidence of insight into the conduct that caused the problems in the first place as well as commitment to changed and well-controlled behaviour. For the Arbitration Committee. SilkTork ✔Tea time 12:57, 9 May 2012 (UTC) |